  • 學位論文


The Study of Dialogic Communication Strategies of Facebook Fan Pages in Taiwan Music Streaming Service Industry: A Big Data Approach

指導教授 : 王嵩音 蔣旭政


本研究以Kent & Taylor提出的五大對話性溝通原則作為理論基礎,透過Netvizz v1.25、Microsoft Excel 2010、IBM SPSS Statistics 22.0和R軟體3.2.2的輔助,以大數據分析的概念對臺灣音樂串流服務Facebook粉絲專頁進行敘述統計、文字雲資料探勘、文字探勘、內容分析和迴歸分析等統計分析,探討臺灣的音樂串流服務Facebook粉絲專頁與其粉絲間之溝通互動成效為何,以及其彼此間之粉絲專頁經營管理模式是否存在差異。 而根據本研究之研究結果可以發現,臺灣的音樂串流服務粉絲專頁彼此間確實存在不同的經營管理模式和互動成效上的差異,五大對話性溝通原則也分別對各粉絲專頁產生不同之影響。KKBOX粉絲專頁習慣以高頻率發文的方式讓其貼文能見度總數提高,進一步使得該粉絲專頁之互動總數相對較多,myMusic粉絲專頁和Omusic粉絲專頁則通常是以提供抽獎活動的方式,要求粉絲對其貼文內容進行留言或分享等行為,使該貼文不斷翻新進而增加曝光率;而KKBOX粉絲專頁的貼文內容大多為「推廣服務軟體活動」及「歌手宣傳」主題,myMusic粉絲專頁大致以「進行抽獎活動」和「提供最新的歌曲資訊」作為內容,Omusic粉絲專頁的貼文內容則大多和「推廣軟體服務」、「歌手宣傳」與「活動舉辦」相關;另外,在五大對話性溝通原則的「資訊實用性」、「留住訪客」和「提高回訪率」原則中,其三者皆對KKBOX粉絲專頁的按讚數及留言數產生影響,分享數和參與度則與「留住訪客」與「提高回訪率」原則產生作用,影響myMusic粉絲專頁留言數、分享數及參與度者則皆為「留住訪客」及「提高回訪率」原則,而影響Omusic粉絲專頁按讚數和參與度者為「資訊實用性」和「提高回訪率」原則、影響留言數和分享數的則是「提高回訪率」原則,不同的粉絲專頁社群所需著重之原則標準有所不同,臺灣音樂串流服務Facebook粉絲專頁彼此間確實存在經營管理上的差異。


This thesis tried to examine how three major Taiwan music streaming Services use the Facebook Fan Pages to assist dialogue communication with their fans, and the effects of interactions on the Facebook Fan Pages. Kent & Taylor’s Dialogic Communication Theory was adopted as the research model. The approach of Big Data and content analysis were emplyed to analyze the data. The results show that different music streaming services have different strategies in Fan Page management. KKBOX Fan Page tended to use high frequent posting to achieve high exposure and interactions. The other two services, myMusic Fan Page and Omusic Fan Page tended to use sweepstakes to improve exposure. The most frequent topics appeared on KKBOX Fan Page and Omusic Fan Page were “promotion of APP services,” and “promotion of singers.” “Sweepstakes” and “updated information of songs” were the two topics that most frequently appeared on myMusic Fan Page, As for the effects of the five strategies of dialogue communication, findings show that “The Usefulness of Information”, “The Rule of Conservation of Visitors”, and “The Generation of Return Visits” were three strategies that highly affect the amount of likes and comments of KKBOX Fan Page. “The Rule of Conservation of Visitors” and “The Generation of Return Visits” were two strategies which highly affect the amount of likes and comments of myMusic Fan Page. “The Usefulness of Information,” “The Generation of Return Visits” and “The Rule of Conservation of Visitors” were three strategies which highly affect the amount of likes and comments of Omusic Fan Page. Theoretical and practical suggestions are also provided in this thesis.


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