  • 學位論文


A Study of audience’s involvement and Word-of-Mouth in Chiayi City International Band Festival

指導教授 : 歐陽穎華


由交通部觀光局所推出的「臺灣觀光年曆」網站觀察,每個月至少都有一個(包含)以上的節慶活動舉辦,可見臺灣節慶活動發展之蓬勃。本研究以「2015第24屆嘉義市國際管樂節」的觀眾為例,從「涉入程度」、「口碑傳播」兩面向,探討節慶活動觀眾的涉入程度及節慶活動口碑傳播之關係。   本研究採量化研究方式,以問卷調查收集資料,問卷總共發放885份,回收830份,其中有效問卷為469份;問卷資料以SPSS進行分析。   歸納本研究之研究發現:(一)不同「教育程度」的嘉管節觀眾在其「口碑接收行為」上有顯著的差異,以教育程度為「研究所(含)以上」之嘉管節觀眾的接收行為最低。(二)不同「性別」的嘉管節觀眾在其「口碑傳播動機」上有顯著的差異,以「女性」嘉管節觀眾的口碑傳播動機高於男性嘉管節觀眾。(三)嘉義市國際管樂節觀眾「參與次數」之不同在口碑傳播效果上有顯著的差異,口碑傳播對於參與活動次數為「1-3次」的嘉義市國際管樂節觀眾們最能發揮效果。(四)嘉義市國際管樂節觀眾涉入程度對於其口碑接收(口碑接收動機、口碑接收行為)、口碑散佈(口碑傳播動機、口碑傳播行為)以及口碑傳播效果,皆有顯著的正向影響。(五)當嘉義市國際管樂節觀眾的口碑接收動機以及口碑接收行為減少時,若活動觀眾的涉入程度愈高,則其受到個人口碑接收動機及口碑接收行為相互作用的影響愈大。(六)當節慶活動觀眾的口碑傳播動機愈高時,可以推測節慶活動觀眾的涉入程度也會相對為高。


According to the observation from the “Time for Celebration Taiwan Tourism Events” on the website of Tourism Bureau, at least one or more special events occur in a month. Therefore, it indicates that the festival activities are growing prosperously. To understand the relationship between the participation of the audiences and the effects of word-of-mouth in a special festival event, this research examines the two dimensions of the “Involvement” and the “Word-of-Mouth” from the audiences at the “2015 The 24rd Annual Chiayi City International Band Festival.” By using the quantitative research method, total of 855 surveys were given out and 830 were recycled. In addition, among the 830 surveys, 469 of them were qualified. The information collected from the questionnaires was analyzed in SPSS method. In this study, there are findings can be summarized into—1. According to their education level, the audiences of “Chiayi City International Band Festival” indicate a significant difference in word-of-mouth receiving behaviors; 2. Female audiences, which tend to have more motivations to involve in the word-of mouth, prove that gender plays a remarkable factor to the level of the word-of-mouth motives; 3. Times of attending to the “Chiayi City International Band Festival” effects the result of the word-of-mouth; 4.The “involvement,” “word-of-mouth receiving,” and “word-of-mouth spreading” of the “Chiayi City International Band Festival” have a positive correlation to each other; 5. As the “word-of-mouth motivation” from the participants at a festival event increase, it is possible to assume that the involvement is also relatively high.


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