  • 學位論文


Place Identity Construction of Young Generation HSNU Alumni

指導教授 : 林聖欽


國立臺灣師範大學附屬高級中學「簡稱師大附中」的校友,素以「開放」、「愛校」、「愛唱校歌」聞名,也創造出許多獨特的活動與現象。包括2012年的「萬人唱校歌」挑戰、集體返校參加開學典禮等。若將師大附中視為一個單純的教學場所,我們可能很難有效解釋學生離開母校後卻念念不忘其母校之行為。因此,本研究試圖從人本主義地理學的角度出發,透過質性訪談近十年畢業的校友與校內師長,佐以附中相關文本(包括附中內部的刊物、附中相關的社群網路貼文、與附中相關新聞影音資料),利用Edward Relph的「地方認同」與「無地方性」兩大概念,探討師大附中校友熱愛母校的原因與行動方針。 研究發現:師大附中的校風,是由校園空間、行政體系、學生生活三者之間的對話而形成。校園空間始於兩任重要校長對於教育理念的發揚與建樹;行政體系則在校長譜出概念後由師長端支持、維繫;最後學生透過生活於其中,在碩大的校園中找到屬於自己的生活空間,在多元的活動與社團中找到屬於自己的位置,從而建構出自由的風氣。 高中生活的經驗在跟大學與職場等現實生活的相互比較中昇華成美好經驗,從而更加喜愛自己的母校,並建立其附中的認同。為了回味過去的美好經驗,校友積極的歸返母校重溫過去的生活,如高頻率返校、參與校友會、協助學弟妹等。而校歌、班號、校訓、制服、紀念品等,則成為維繫附中認同的中介質。校友可以透過這些中介質宣示自我的身分與認同,並吸引更多附中校友相認、相聚。 然而,真實的附中,正隨著時間的推移而不斷的變遷,而學生對於高中的生活與政策也受到時代背景與政治意識形態的影響而開始質疑固有的傳統。這樣的變遷與衝突都使得附中校友感受到真實附中與自己在學時期的附中差距愈來愈大。校友遂將對師大附中的認同凍結在自己在學的時間。持續追憶、分享心中的附中樣貌。


The alumnus from The Affiliated Senior High School of National Taiwan Normal University, known as HSNU, are known as ‘proud of being part of the member of HSNU’. They’ve also created many special activity, such as ‘draw hundreds of thousands of alumnus singing the school song altogether to break the world record in April, 2012.’, ‘gather alumnus to join the School Opening Ceremony.’ and so on. If we treat HSNU as a leaning space, we may hard to explain why the alumnus love their alma mater so much. Therefore, this study attempts to proceed from the perspective of humanistic geography. It interviews with alumni who graduated in the past ten years and the teachers who had taught those alumni, then analyze HSNU-related texts (such as HSNU publications, Facebook groups about the HSNU, news about the HSNU and so on) to existence the verification phenomena, then utilizing Edward Relph's Two Concepts, "Place Identity" and "Placelessness", to analyze why and how they love their alma mater. The study found that: the HSNU's school ethos is formed by the dialogue between campus space, administrative system, and student lifestyle. The campus space starts with the development of the educational thought by two important principals. Their thought is bring supported by the administrative system. Then the students live inside the campus to enjoy and carry forward their thought. They have found their place in the campus and construct a "free" and "lively" atmosphere. Because of the increase of personal responsibility and the difficulty of reappearing the life style in HSNU, the life experience from the HSNU become unique and precious for the alumnus. Therefore, the alumnus from HSNU construct the sense of identity with the school after graduate quickly. In order to relive the intimate experiences of the past and sxpress self-identity of HSNU, alumnis actively return to the school, or participate in the alumni association, or actively recognize more people take the initiative to help the students in HSNU. However, the HSNU is constantly changing over time. New students in the HSNU today are also begin to question the traditional which may not fit the background of the times and political ideology. Such changes and conflicts have made alumni feel that the gap between “the study time in HSNU” and “HSNU today” is getting bigger and bigger. Finally, the alumnis will freeze their identity of the HSNU at the time of their studies.


HSNU campus culture place identity placelessness


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