  • 學位論文


Effects of plyometric training using cluster sets on lower extremity power performance of basketball players.

指導教授 : 何仁育


目的:探討八週增強式訓練應用團組 (cluster sets, CS) 方式對籃球員下肢爆發力表現的影響。方法:24名有阻力訓練經驗的高中男性籃球員,以蹲舉最大肌力表現進行配對,並以分層隨機分至傳統組 (n=12),以及CS組 (n=12),所有參與者在分組完成後,開始進行八週的增強式訓練,一週2次,總計16堂訓練,使用5種跳躍組合進行 (下蹲跳、側跳、側跨步彈跳、單腳跳、立定跳遠),每個動作在第一階段 (1-2週)各進行20次,第二階段 (3-5週) 各進行30次,第三階段 (6-8週) 各進行40次。傳統組進行每一組10次反覆,組間休息90秒;CS組則是5次反覆組成一個團組 (一組內有2個團組),團組間休息45秒,組間休息45秒,兩種組別的總休息時間一致,並且在訓練過程中,每一組訓練動作結束後,記錄運動自覺強度 (rating of perceived exertion scale, RPE)。八週訓練前後,所有參與者皆進行垂直跳高、立定跳遠、20公尺衝刺、敏捷性、蹲舉最大肌力、下肢最大等長肌力等運動檢測。結果:八週的增強式訓練後,兩組在垂直跳高、蹲舉最大肌力、下肢最大等長肌力皆顯著進步 (p < .05),但組別間無顯著差異;立定跳遠上只有傳統組 (247.3 ± 25.0公分) 顯著高於訓練前 (235.0 ± 21.4公分) (p < .05),速度與敏捷測驗則是在兩組之間、訓練前後皆無顯著差異。RPE部分,在訓練的三個階段中,CS組 (37.12 ± 4.97, 46.08 ± 9.35, 61.61 ± 10.82) 皆顯著低於傳統組 (41.47 ± 4.67, 52.12 ± 9.68, 73.18 ± 7.81) (p < .05)。結論:八週的增強式訓練應用團組方式無法更進一步提升籃球員的下肢爆發力與肌力表現。然而,團組方式能夠降低訓練過程的RPE,以較小的訓練壓力達到與傳統訓練方式相近的肌力進步。


Purpose: To examine effects of eight-week plyometric training using cluster sets on lower extremity power performance of basketball players. Methods: Twenty-four high school basketball players were recruited to participate in this study. Participants were matched and randomly assigned into cluster sets (CS) group (n=12) and traditional group (n=12). Eight weeks of plyometric training (two sessions per week, 16 total training sessions) consisted of five different jumps (counter movement jump, lateral jump, lateral bounding, single leg hop, and broad jump) and each jump was performed 20 times at first phase (1st-2nd week), 30 times at second phase (3rd -5th week), and 40 times at third phase (6th-8th week), respectively. The traditional group completed a set of 10 jumps with 90 seconds of rest between each set. The CS group completed a cluster set of 5 jumps (2 cluster sets within a set) with 45 seconds rest between each cluster set and 45 seconds between each set. The total rest times in two groups were the same. Before and after the training, participants performed vertical jump, broad jump, 20m sprint, agility test, squat 1RM and lower limb maximal voluntary isometric muscle contraction (MVIC). In addition, the rate of perceived exertion (RPE) was recorded after completing each set during training. Results: Vertical jump, squat 1RM and MVIC were significantly increased in both groups after training (p < .05). However, no differences were observed between two groups. Broad jump was significantly increased only in traditional group after training (235.0 ± 21.4cm to 247.3 ± 25.0cm) (p < .05). No significant differences in sprint and agility tests were observed between times and between two groups. RPE in CS group (37.12 ± 4.97, 46.08 ± 9.35, 61.61 ± 10.82) was significantly lower than in traditional group during 3 different phases (41.47± 4.67, 52.12 ± 9.68, 73.18 ± 7.81) (p < .05). Conclusions: Eight weeks of plyometric training using CS training cannot lead to better lower extremity power and strength performance. However, CS training can gain similar strength improvement as traditional training with lower RPE during training.


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