  • 學位論文


A Study on Prevention Behavioral Intention and Related Factors of Fine Particles(PM2.5)in Senior High School Students in Northern Taiwan

指導教授 : 葉國樑 曾治乾


本研究旨在探討高中學生對於細懸浮微粒(PM2.5)防治行為意圖之現況,以及社會人口學變項、PM2.5知識、防治態度、環境敏感度、防治行為意圖、防治自我效能之情形。以簡單隨機抽樣方式選取基隆、台北、新北、桃園、新竹等五個北部地區之普通高級中學進行施測各地區施測學校至少兩所,實際測得有效問卷為619份(回收率96%)。分析結果如下: 一、北部地區高中學生在整體PM2.5知識、態度、環境敏感度、防治行為意圖及防治自我效能皆有偏高與正向之表現。 二、北部地區高中學生在不同社會人口學特質中,PM2.5知識、態度、環境敏感度、防治行為意圖及防治自我效能有顯著差異。 三、北部地區高中學生在不同社會人口學變項中,對PM2.5知識、態度、環境敏感度、防治行為意圖及防治自我效能有顯著相關性。 四、防治態度、環境敏感度、防治自我效能等變項可解釋防治意圖行為之預測力(R2)為55.6%。 五、新北地區PM2.5整體知識顯著高於其他北部地區(基隆、台北、桃園、新竹)。 關鍵字:高中學生、PM2.5知識、PM2.5防治態度、環境敏感度、防治行 為意圖、防治自我效能


The purpose of this study was to investigate the current situation of high school students' intentions on the prevention and control of fine aerosols (PM2.5), as well as sociodemographic variables, PM2.5 knowledge, prevention attitudes, environmental sensitivity, prevention behavior intentions, and self-efficacy. The high schools in the five northern regions of Keelung, Taipei, Xinbei, Taoyuan and Hsinchu were selected by simple random sampling to conduct at least two schools in each region. The actual effective questionnaires were 619(Recovery rate 96%). The analysis results are as follows: 1.High school students in the northern region have high and positive performances in overall PM2.5 knowledge, attitudes, environmental sensitivity, prevention behavioral intentions and self-efficacy. 2.Hgh school students in northern areas with different sociodemographic characteristics have significant differences with PM2.5 knowledge, attitudes, environmental sensitivity, prevention behavior intentions and prevention and self-efficacy. 3.High school students in the northern region have significant correlations with PM2.5 knowledge, attitudes, environmental sensitivity, prevention behavior intentions and prevention and self-efficacy in different sociodemographic variables. 4.The predictive power (R2) of the prevention and treatment behaviors, such as prevention attitude, environmental sensitivity, and self-efficacy, can be explained as 55.6%. 5.The overall knowledge of PM2.5 in the New North Region is significantly higher than that in other northern regions (Kelong, Taipei, Taoyuan, Hsinchu). Keywords: High school students, PM2.5 knowledge, PM2.5 prevention attitude, Environmental sensitivity, Prevention behavior intention and self-efficacy.


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王懋雯(1997)。師範學院學生環境行為影響因素之研究-以台北市立師範學院 學生為例。國立臺灣師範大學衛生教育學系博士論文,未出版,台北市。
