  • 學位論文


Research on the Applicability of Faceted Classification Scheme of Children 's Books

指導教授 : 邱子恒


目前我國較常使用的圖書分類法,以杜威十進分類法和中文圖書分類法等十進分類法為主,這類以數字及小數點組成的分類法對思想已臻成熟的成人而言是良好的尋書工具,但對兒童來說十進分類法之使用卻是挑戰;國小學童尚處於培養思考邏輯與加深環境認知的發展階段,他們普遍無法理解如何透過一組數字關聯到他們想看的書,致使兒童進行尋書行為時,常以瀏覽書櫃並隨機取書的方式進行,依照他們當下情緒決定選書,無法建立明確的尋書途徑。研究者參與了臺北科技大學主導之研究計畫並擔任研究助理,以計畫發展出之「層面式兒童圖書分類架構」為研究基礎,透過現場操作觀察法及半結構式訪談法對北部15位國小學童施以測驗,欲理解「層面式兒童圖書分類架構」於我國兒童之適用性及各年齡層讀者間之認知差異,並透過研究結果對該分類表之層面及其類目命名提出進一步修改建議。 研究結果顯示兒童多能在該分類表中找到符合他們需求的類目來標引童書,顯示該分類表對我國兒童具適用性;但於使用該分類表時尚有概念不足導致類目不明白的情形發生,因此建議可以更改某些類目之命名或調整至適當位置;透過測驗,研究者發現各年齡層讀者間確實存在認知差異,對於層面及其類目命名常出現不同的見解與建議。 本研究依據研究發現,整理受測兒童建議之層面及其類目命名,參酌後提出對「層面式兒童圖書分類架構」之修改建議,提供給我國圖書館對兒童圖書分類之參考,並期望我國圖資相關系所之分類編目課程能更以服務者為導向,透過分類理論建構學生分類編目的概念並實際編製分類表應用到各個場域。


In Taiwan, the most commonly used classification schemes for libraries are Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) and New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries (CCL). These kind of decimal classification schemes are good tools to find books for adults, but are quite challenging for children since they are still in the development stage of cultivating thinking logic and deepening environmental cognition. Children generally cannot understand how to find books through a set of numbers, therefore, when looking for books, they often browse the bookshelf and choose books randomly. As a result, children readers couldn’t establish a clear path for book seeking behavior. The researcher participated in a research project of National Library of Public Information (NLPI) led by National Taipei University of Technology as a research assistant. In that research, a faceted classification scheme for children’s book was developed. In the study, the researcher utilizes the qualitative research methods of participate observation and semi-structured interview, applying the above mentioned faceted classification scheme to examine the applicability of this scheme to fifteen elementary school students. Also to explore whether there are cognitive differences among three different age groups of children when using this scheme. Children’s feedback regarding the revision of the scheme were collected via interview. The results show that most of the tested children can find the suitable classes to index booked they have read from this scheme, indicating this scheme is applicable to Taiwan’s children. However, the researcher did find some terminologies of headings and their conception location in the scheme were confusing to children. Moreover, different classifying and indexing behaviors among age groups were also found. Based on the research findings, the researcher proposed a revised version of faceted classification scheme for children books. Suggestions to public libraries in organizing children’s books and to library and information science schools in arranging the syllabus of IO courses are given. At the end, directions for further study are raised.


