  • 學位論文


An Investigation of 10th grades’ Modeling Process When Use Modeling-based Instruction with Augmented Reality Technique in Convex Lens Course.

指導教授 : 邱美虹


['本研究目的主要探討建模教學輔以擴增實境對於高一學生學習凸透鏡課程之學習成效以及建模歷程,本研究設計以建模歷程作為教學設計之主軸來進行凸透鏡相關知識的教學,並開發一擴增實境教學工具輔助高一學生學習凸透鏡成像概念。針對新北市某市立高中一年級普通班三個班級之學生進行研究,本研究將其隨機分派至實驗組一、實驗組二與一組對照組:實驗組一的學生進行講述式教學輔以實作,共36人;實驗組二的學生進行建模教學輔以擴增實境,共34人;對照組學生採用未結合任何實驗之講述式教學,共35人。 本研究設計了凸透鏡概念測驗試卷,委請三位專家提出指正,建立專家效度,對學生施以前測後測診斷學生凸透鏡學習概念及建模歷程。在教學過程中,使用課堂學習單,瞭解學生學習過程中之建模情形。此外,發展出一份態度量表分析使用建模教學輔以擴增實境的學生對於使用擴增實境輔助學習的學習態度。最後於課後進行訪談做更進一步深度的質性探討。 本研究結果顯示:1. 建模教學輔以擴增實境組的後測表現優於講述式教學組以及講述式教學輔以實作組,經ANVOCA分析p值0.04達顯著差異,顯示建模教學輔以擴增實境有助於提升學生學習凸透鏡相關知識之學習成效。2. 建模教學輔以擴增實境組中低成就學生後測表現優於講述式教學組以及講述式教學輔以實作組,經ANVOCA分析p值0.001達顯著差異,顯示有建模教學輔以擴增實境有助於提升中低成就學生之學習表現。3. 建模教學輔以擴增實境組於後測在模型分析步驟以及模型修正步驟答題表現優於講述式教學組以及講述式教學輔以實作組,經ANVOCA分析,p值0.003以及0.008皆達顯著差異,顯示建模教學輔以擴增實境有助學生模型分析以及模型修正表現。4. 學生對於採用建模教學以及使用擴增實境協助學習皆抱持正面態度。']


建模教學 擴增實境 凸透鏡


["The purpose of this study is to investigate the effectiveness of model-based teaching with augmented reality apps on students’ learning of the concept of lenses and light in the science of physics including convex. The study was designed as a teaching method with model-based teaching and AR technology in teaching the convex lens image-forming to tenth graders. This thesis introduces model-based teaching in science education and conducts an interactive and integrated image-forming experiment using AR technology to improve teaching. The three classes of students were randomly assigned to the experimental group 1 which is using model-based teaching and AR instructional applications, the experimental group 2 which is using traditional tools to conduct convex lens image-forming experiment, and the comparison group which is using conventional instruction.The collected data were analyzed to evaluate any differences in the learning achievements for the three research groups. This study show that model-based teaching with augmented reality enviroment would help students to develop a new scientific model about convex lens image-forming. The expirment results indecate the model-based teaching improve the learning performance of underachievement and medium achievement students. In addition, Augmented reality in education stimulates students's learning interests in the content of the course and most students were found to have positive attitudes towards using AR for their learning in physics courses. "]


Modeling Augmented Reality Convex Lens


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