  • 學位論文


The Moral Judgement of Waste Management Behavior and Model Analysis: An Extension from Kohlberg’s Moral Theory and Empirical Evidence

指導教授 : 葉欣誠


人們從事環境保護行為經常是因為受到法律的強制力約束,倘若這些外在作用力變弱或 消失,社會大眾的行為將如何改變,相信是不難想像。同樣身為社會規範,倫理道德會隨著 時間在個體進行內化,形成內在的驅動力。本研究將親環境行為視為一種道德行為,以「廢 棄物管理行為」作為研究欲探討之主題,同時透過道德判斷的角度,加以思考與解釋此環境 行為。柯伯格道德理論是以個體的「道德判斷」發展作為基礎,從最簡單層次的思考「服從 取向」到最高層次的思考「普世倫理原則」,處在不同階段的人們皆以不同的道德判斷規準作 為從事道德行為的考量。此外,本研究也將整理其他影響道德判斷之相關因素,包含:倫理 規範、保護價值、神聖價值與禁忌權衡等,並以柯伯格道德理論歸納和解釋,以作為該理論的延伸。 研究所發展出來的行為模型以計畫行為理論作為基礎,同時涵蓋道德判斷與外在情境因 素變項,解釋個體的廢棄物管理行為。本研究以問卷調查法對台灣大學生進行取樣,有效樣 本數為 426 份,以此做統計分析。研究結果發現,女性受試者在態度、道德判斷、行為意圖 與行為變項的表現顯著高過於男性;教育學背景的學生在態道德判斷與行為意圖變項的表現 顯著高過於傳播學背景的學生。在預測個體的行為上,雖然道德判斷變項的解釋能力略低於 態度與認知行為控制變項,但個體道德判斷規準的高低依然能夠顯著預測其行為表現。較高 層次的道德思考個體能夠克服外在情境因素的阻礙,並實踐該環境行為。本研究發展的廢棄 物管理行為模型,在結構方程模型分析中達信心水準,說明以柯伯格道德理論為基礎的道德 判斷變項為合宜的設計,整體結果與迴歸分析相符,同時也和研究的問卷量表吻合。研究者 認為道德規範能夠成為個體實踐環境行為的助力,也鼓勵未來的環境教育和永續發展教育可 以涵蓋道德教育的理念,透過刺激人們的道德層次思考,有助於其以更穩定的內在驅動力 量,實踐廢棄物管理行為。研究者也建議往後的相關研究可以沿用本研究的行為模型,試解 釋與分析其他不同的親環境行為。


The reason why people tend to do environmental behaviors mainly results from the existence of mandatory laws. If the effect of these restrictions disappears, it would not be hard to image that how people’s behavior change. As two deeply-rooted social norms, ethics and moral standard will be internalized as time passes and become personal norms in everyone’s mind. The author utilizes the aspect of moral judgement to explain and discuss waste management behavior. Kohlberg’s moral theory systemically describes the development of moral judgement. People at different developmental level will not use the same standard to judge a moral issue or behavior. In addition, the study integrates other influential factors as the extension from the moral theory, including normative ethics, protected values, sacred-values and taboo trade-offs. The waste management behavior model in this study will be based on the theory of planned behavior. Also, the behavior model includes the variable of moral judgement and external situational factors. This study investigated 426 Taiwanese college students, and the dataset would be analyzed quantitatively. The result indicates that females’ performances in attitude, moral judgement, behavioral intention and behavior are significantly higher than males. One’s performance in moral judgement variable can significantly predict the behavior, even though this effect is slightly lower than attitude and perceived behavioral control variable. People with higher moral judgement standard can have strong intention to do the waste management behavior while successfully conquering the interference of situational factors. The result of structural equation model is similar to the linear equation model, and it reveals that incorporating the moral judgement variable in the model is suitable for explaining the environmental behavior. The author suggests that morality can be a great auxiliary element for Environmental Education and Sustainable Development Education, allowing people to have a more stable internal power when conducting the three waste management behaviors. Moreover, future studies can even apply the behavior model to explore and analyze other pro-environmental behaviors.


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