  • 學位論文

《R191421523》- Lexile閱讀分級架構應用於難度適性化之兒童英語繪本創作

“R191421523”- The application in Lexile Framework for reading on adaptive children picture book creation

指導教授 : 張晏榕


在國際交流密切的時代,英語儼然已成為不可或缺的能力,而台灣為提升國人的英語能力,便自國小將英語納入國民義務教育。為了增加兒童的英語學習能力與興趣,繪本是時常被選用的媒材,然而在學生英語閱讀能力不一的情況下,使用文本難度固定的繪本無法達成良好的學習成效,且激發兒童學習興趣的效果有限,因此本研究針對不同英語閱讀程度的兒童設計難度適性化英語繪本。本研究旨在探討Lexile閱讀分級架構於兒童英語繪本創作上的應用。 首先,運用焦點團體訪問法訪問國小階段英語教師,以了解國小英語繪本教學的現況,以及其對難度適性化繪本的看法。其次,以創作實踐法,參考焦點團體訪談之結果,利用Lexile閱讀分級架構設計三個不同閱讀難易程度的文本,並選擇合適之媒材,運用個人巧思進行繪本創作。而後,舉辦公開的作品展演,以蒐集各方的意見。此外,亦進行第二次的焦點團體訪談,藉以了解國小端英語教師對繪本成品的想法與建議,以使本繪本創作更加完善。最後,彙整本研究之創作歷程與方法,提供後續從事英語繪本創作者之參考。 研究與創作結果顯示:國小階段英語教師認為本研究創作之難度適性化兒童英語繪本應用範圍廣泛,適用於不同年段與以及不同學習主題,且可與不同領域科目結合,進行融合教學。此外,觀展民眾對於難度適性化英語繪本亦抱持正面的態度。綜上所述,難度適性化兒童英語繪本為一具發展潛力的繪本創作形式。


Under the trend toward globalization, the importance of English learning has been enlightened since last decade, and the government of Taiwan carried out the educational policy which is primary school English learning to power up nationals’ English ability and interest from a very beginning age. To increase children’ performance and interest of English learning, picture books are often used, however, the traditional picture books, which are reading level fixed, are not suitable for children with different levels of English reading abilities. In order to solve that problem, this study designed a reading level adaptive picture book for different English reading level children. In this study, we first collected opinions from primary and cram school English teachers to understand the current situation of English picture book teaching toward children and their opinions on the concept of reading level adaptive picture books through the focus group interview. Next, based on the results of the focus group interview, we created a reading level adaptive picture book which has three different difficulty contexts. The context difficulty of three were measured by Lexile Analyzer from Lexile Reading Framework. Then, in order to gather opinion from the public, we held an exhibition of what we created. Besides, we conducted the focus group interview for the second time to make the picture book better and more complete. Finally, we organized the process of making the reading level adaptive picture book in to written text. The results showed that English teachers considered the reading level adaptive picture book as a widely applicable teaching material, which is applicable to different years and different learning themes, and can be used in different learning areas as a part of integrated learning. In addition, exhibition visitors also held positive attitude toward the reading level adaptive picture book. To conclude, the reading level adaptive picture book is a format of picture books which is full of potential.


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