  • 學位論文


Simulating supervision: How do NGO’s social work supervisors of children protection respond to three functions of supervision?

指導教授 : 游美貴


本研究探討當前兒少保護工作中督導工作所側重的角色與功能,透過擬真情境運用,收集民間單位兒少保護督導面對不同情境時,所提供的督導功能與策略。研究結果提供督導實務面、機構面與方案政策面,於未來提升督導功能的建議。再者,針對擬真操作應用於社會工作研究中,予以後續研究者的建議。本研究以立意取樣方式,邀請7位民間單位督導進行訪談。除以擬真督導情境影片收集資料,並輔以深度訪談方式增加資料的豐富性。本研究的結論如下: 一、民間單位兒少保護督導所側重的督導角色及功能以支持為主,並透過不同的督導功能搭配,協助受督者因應不同的工作情境。 二、民間單位兒保社工督導依據擬真情境所展現的督導策略,是優先承接情緒再投入教育的功能;然後透過支持與教育的督導功能結合,讓督導功能有發揮。督導行政功能不是監控,而是加入教育功能讓行政提升效率。 三、精進民間兒少保督導功能發揮的因應,機構支持是最大的力量。提供資源讓督導接受更優質的訓練,並且以契約方案實質支持督導工作進行。另外,調整中央政策與課程訓練,修減行政表單,讓督導工作壓力減輕。 四、擬真督導情境應用於督導研究之中,可重現督導情境,使研究進行更具圖像化,並降低受訪督導的防衛,以順利訪談進行。


This research aims to explore the roles and functions of supervision by using simulation supervision for NGO’s social work supervisors of child protection services. The data collection is on how supervisors working react to different situations and the functions and strategies they offer in response. The research findings give advice on practical, organizational, and policy aspects to supervisors. The research also offers suggestion by using simulations for social work research. The study is the purposive sampling. The researcher invites 7 supervisors from non-governmental organizations. Other than collecting information through the videos of simulation supervision, in-depth interviews are added to increase variety in the data. The research findings are as follows: 1.NGO’s child protection services mainly focus on the supporting role and function of supervision. By supplementing it with other functions, they can help those that are supervised face different scenarios at work. 2.NGO’s social work supervisors will first respond to emotions before they show their educational function in the simulations. Once emotional support and educational function are combined, the supervisors’ true functions will reveal themselves. The administrative role of supervisors is not to monitor, but to use educational function to increase the efficiency of administrative work. 3.The organizations themselves are the biggest support to help NGO’s social work supervisors to unleash their functions of supervisions. The organizations can do so by offering resources to let supervisors have access to the better training courses and revising the contracts to give them actual support. Also, making adjustments to government policies and training courses, as well as simplifying administrative forms can all help to decrease stress from work for the supervisors. 4.By using simulations in the study of supervisors, one can recreate supervision scenarios, help people better picture the research in their minds, and decrease defensiveness of the participants for smoother interviews.


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