  • 學位論文


The Analysis and Interpretation of Concertino for Clarinet and Small Orchestra in B flat major Op.48 By Ferruccio Busoni

指導教授 : 宋威德


筆者以費盧西奧‧布索尼 (Ferr uccio Dante Michelangiolo Benvenuto Busoni, 1866-1924) 的《降B大調單簧管小協奏曲》Concertino for Clarinet and Small Orchestra, op.48 這首作品,藉由蒐集相關資料並進行樂曲分析,進一步整理出筆者認為比較接近作曲家理想的演奏詮釋。 本論文所研究之內容 ,將分為四個章節。首先在第一章說明研究動機與方 法,在第二章中,藉由彙整作曲家的生平、創作背景,進而了解其學習的經歷以及創作的音樂風格,以此對作曲家的思想與創作理念有更深入的了解。第三章針對樂曲的曲式架構、和聲、節奏進行分析,並且依據分析結果,更進一步的探討演奏技巧與詮釋,最後在第四章作一個總結論。 希望透過以上的分析與研究中,深入了解作曲家在這首樂曲中想呈現的風 格,在演奏時能更完善且貼切的詮釋出作曲家在當時寫作的創作意念。 關鍵


單簧管 小協奏曲 布索尼


The author collected information about Busoni’s work “ Concertino fo r Clarinet and String Orchestra, op.48 ” and analyzed it for an i nterpretation which the author supposed is closer to the composer’s ideal one. The thesis is divided into four chapters. In the first chapter, the author explains her motivation and there search method used in this study. In the second chapter, the author gets an insight into Bosuni’s learning experience and the style of his composing by synthesizing his life and background methodically. In the third chapter, the author analyzes the structu re, melody, and tempo of this piece. According to the analysis, the author investigates the performing techniques and interpretations of this concertino. Conclusions will be made in the last chapter.The author wishes to understand the style which Bosu ni wanted to interpret this piece with her research and analysis, in order to perform aptly with Bosuni’s composing concept.


clarinet concertino Busoni


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康謳。《大陸音樂辭典》。台北:大陸書局,1980 。
劉志明。《西洋音樂史與風格》。台北:全音出版社,2000 。
楊沛仁。《西洋史與欣賞》。台北:美樂出版社,2001 。
