  • 學位論文


The Influence of Job Stress on Well-being, and the Moderating Effects of Leisure Coping, Perceived Organizational Support, and Perceived Supervisor Support: The case of branded coffee chains in Taiwan

指導教授 : 麥康妮




Taiwan’s coffee market has been booming over the last decade. According to the statistics of the Ministry of Finance, the number of coffee beans imported has grown 2.1 times from 2008 to 2018. The import volume of coffee beans is estimated to reach new heights in the future. The Ministry of Economic Affairs has also indicated that there were more than 3,403 coffee shops in Taiwan as of March 2019. However, in the coffee shop industry, especially branded coffee chains, the working environment is often characterized by irregular and long working hours, high level of role pressure, and frequent work overload. When an employee faces such a stressful situation, he or she may easily become anxious, which in turn leads to dissatisfaction and negative emotions towards work, and eventually a decreased sense of well-being. Previous studies have identified a negative relationship between work-related stress and employees’ well-being in other industries. Moreover, some research has showed that leisure coping, and higher levels of perceived organizational support and perceived supervisor support may have positive moderating effects on the relationship between job stress and well-being both in and outside of work. Nonetheless, these relationships and effects have not been empirically investigated in the coffee shop industry context. To reduce this research gap, this study attempts to examine the effect of job stress on the well-being by using the employees of branded coffee chains in Taiwan, and to explore the moderating effects of leisure coping, perceived organizational support, perceived supervisor support on the relation between job stress and well-being. A quantitative survey approach has been adopted. The measuring instruments were developed based on a comprehensive literature review and were further validated by eight experts in the hospitality field. A purposive sampling was used to recruit eligible respondents in this study. The respondents were full-time employees who have been employed for more than three months in branded coffee chains. A total of 392 responses were received, and 319 valid responses was obtained, with a response rate of 81.4%. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to explore the relationship among job stress, leisure coping, perceived organizational support, perceived supervisor support, and well-being. The results showed that all the four dimensions of job stress (i.e., workload, utilization of skills, role conflict, and role ambiguity) have significant negative effects on well-being. Among these dimensions, the negative impact of role conflict was found to be the most significant., Among the two dimensions of leisure coping (i.e., leisure palliative coping, and leisure companionship), leisure companionship has the most significant moderating effect. The results also indicated that both perceived organizational support and perceived supervisor support have a significant positive moderating effect on well-being. Based on the results of this study, it is suggested that employees may try to adjust their mindset to the company's philosophy to reduce the negative effects of role conflicts and job stress. Moreover, employees may participate in leisure activities, especially leisure companionship to reduce job stress. Finally, branded coffee chains managers may also increase the level of organization or supervisor support as a means to enhance employee’s overall well-being.


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