  • 學位論文


Using Creative Thinking Skills in 6E Model to Implement STEAM Hands-on Activity for Children and to Explore the Student’s Learning Effectiveness

指導教授 : 蕭顯勝


近年來幼兒STEAM(Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics)教育議題眾所矚目。根據過往研究推論,於幼兒階段實施STEAM相關課程,不僅有益於學童整合、應用知識的能力,更有益於問題解決、批判思考、創造力等能力培養。除此之外,亦能提升幼兒未來相關學科學習的動機。甚至於動實作過程中,有助於幼兒的精細動技能發展。故整體而言,STEAM的課程對於幼兒學習發展益處,是無庸置疑的。 雖然幼兒STEAM教育為當前熱門議題,但其相關實證研究卻少之又少。此外過去研究發現,缺一套明確的教學流程架構及策略,為當前STEAM無法於幼兒園順利推動主因之一。因此本研究旨針對此缺口,嘗試6E模式並搭配威廉斯創造思考策略運用,開發幼兒適用的STEAM動手實作課程。除了藉以提升學童知識整合運用能力外,更激發學童於STEAM學習上的創造力行為表現。 本研究以準實驗法進行,並分有實驗組(運用創造思考策略於6E模式教學),及對照組(傳統式教學)。兩組學童皆進行相同內容、相同時數的課程活動,並於課程結束後針對其精細動作技能、實作技能,以及行為序列分析,以了解不同教學模式下對於學童整體學習成效之差異。根據最後研究結果發現:(1)兩組學童於精細動作技能皆有所進步;(2)實驗組學童實作技能總體優於對照組;(3)實驗組於「問題解決」和「嘗試不同組合、組裝方式」之間行為互相轉移,即代表學童較能掌握整體知識變通力,進而提升問題解決的流暢力。因此根據實作技能之解決方案測驗結果,發現實驗組學童表現優於對照組學童(4)實驗組於「製作組裝」與「創意行為表現」之間互相轉移,即代表實驗組學童於創作過程中,較能展現其創意、獨創想法,並實現於作製作、美化上,且根據實作技能之創新性評比結果亦發現,由於之間轉換頻率頻繁,使實作創新性部分優於對照組學童。


In recent years, preschool STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics) education have been much attention by educator. There have been several study indicate that based on STEAM hands-on activity can bring a lot of advantages for children. Such as improving problem solving abilities, Computational thinking, and creativity. Moreover, it can not only improve children motivation of learning STEM related subjects in the future, but also improve children’s fine motor skills. Although STEAM hands-on activity can bring a lot of benefit. The main challenge for STEAM education is lack of one clear and appropriate teaching method and strategy, which leads to teacher not know how to plan it. Therefore, this study tried to use the 6E learning model and Creativity Thinking skills to implement STEAM hands-on activity for children, and tried to explore children learning effectiveness. This study adopted a quasi-experimental design. The independent variables are two different teaching method (Using Creativity Thinking Skills in 6E model and traditional teaching). All of the student have the same learning activity and product making. The results show that: (1) All of the children improve their fine motor skills. (2) The hands-on ability of children in experimental group is better than control group children; (3) Experimental group children have transfer behavior between “problem solving" and "trying different combinations and assembly methods". It can prove children have a great flexibility and fluency abilities to solve problem and experimental group’s resolution score of CPAM is higher than control group’s score; (4) Experimental group have transfers between “production and deign” and “creativity behavior performance”. It means that students in the experimental group can realize their creativity in their work, and the novelty performance of CPAM matches this result.


