  • 學位論文


An Analysis and Interpretation of Chopin’s Four Ballades

指導教授 : 林明慧


鋼琴詩人蕭邦(Frédéric Chopin, 1810-1849)在世時就已經受到重視,他的創作手法大膽且新穎,跳脫同時期的創作。蕭邦的作品都與鋼琴有關,鋼琴獨奏曲佔絕大多數,而他更以鋼琴首創「敘事曲」(Ballade)之創作,在他之後,許多作曲家也開始創作鋼琴敘事曲,在歷史上留下了非凡的成就。 本論文之內容在研究蕭邦四首敘事曲,以敘事曲之分析與詮釋為主,共分為五章。第一章為緒論,說明筆者之研究動機與目的、研究範圍及研究方法。第二章為蕭邦生平,介紹其生命歷程及背景,並講述蕭邦所受到之影響、時期之作品與音樂風格及特色。第三章為四首敘事曲之背景與分析,共分成四節,分別為探討蕭邦敘事曲之背景、樂曲形式與結構、調性與和聲以及節奏與音型。第四章為四首敘事曲之音樂詮釋,此章分成四節,分別研究蕭邦敘事曲中力度變化、彈性速度與裝飾性旋律、圓滑奏以及節奏上的處理,並提出筆者對於樂曲的詮釋以及演奏建議。第五章為結論,綜合敘述作品之特點以及統整筆者詮釋之方式。期望此篇論文之寫作與自己的彈奏與研究更上層樓,並能給予欲彈奏此作品者樂曲上的理解,以及詮釋上的建議。


蕭邦 敘事曲 米茲奇維契


Frédéric Chopin (1810-1849), so called “The Poet of the Piano”, received great respect and attention in his lifetime. His thinking was conservative, but his harmonic language, rhythmic use and the use of the form were all forward looking. Chopin’s compositions are all related to the piano, and the majority of works are written for the piano . He was the pioneer of the piano ballade writing and influenced other musicians starting compose piano ballades. Chopin's contribution was extraordinary and obtained significant position in the music history, he followed the tradition on one hand, and opened a new world for the future on the other. This thesis contains five chapters, focusing on the discussion of Chopin’s four ballades. The first chapter is the introduction, dealing with the motivation, purpose, scope and the approach of the study. The second chapter discusses Chopin’s background and musical style. The third chapter is the background of the four ballades and is divided into four sections. The first section is the background of the ballade, the three following sections include the form and structure of the ballades. Then, analyzing the tonality and harmony while discussing about Chopin's most utilized chords and tonalities. The final section is the rhythm and pattern. It sums up the same patterns and technical skills used in the four ballades. The fourth chapter is the interpretation of the four ballades. This chapter includes four sections of the interpretation and suggestions for performances. The fifth chapter is the conclusion.


Chopin Ballade Mickiewicz


Chopin, Fryderyk. Chopin Ballades. Edited by I. J. Paderewsky, L. Bronarski, J. Turczyński. Polskie Wydawnictwo Muzyczne. 2013.
Eigeldinger, Jean-Jacques. Chopin: Pianist and Teacher as Seen by His Pupils. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1986.
Gillespie, John. Five Centuries of Keyboard Music. New York: Dover Publications. 1965.
