  • 學位論文


Effect of rope skipping physical fitness for student with intellect disabilities in vocational senior high school

指導教授 : 佘永吉


本研究目的旨在探討跳繩運動對改善高職綜合職能科智能障礙學生健康體適能成效之研究。研究採實驗設計檢測前後測及一年後之維持效果,研究對象為8名高二階段學生(年齡約16-17歲)。自變項為跳繩運動教學,依變項為健康體適能之表現(包含身體組成、柔軟度、肌耐力、心肺耐力),實驗介入期共12週,每週兩次,每次50分鐘之介入。本研究以教育部101年臺灣中小學學生體適能常模進行對照,並以相依樣本T檢定及無母數相依樣本檢定方式進行資料之分析,藉以了解8為研究對象在跳繩運動介入後,其健康體適能的立即與維持效果,而本研究之結果如下: 一、跳繩運動對高職綜合職能科智能障礙學生健康體適能的介入成效 跳繩運動對高職綜合職能科智能障礙學生之健康體適能具有介入成效,其中以身體組成、柔軟度、肌耐力具有顯著效果(p<.05);心肺耐力上則無達顯著。 二、跳繩運動對高職綜合職能科智能障礙學生健康體適能的維持成效 於介入後一年再度進行健康體適能之檢測,發現跳繩運動對高職綜合職能科智能障礙學生之健康體適能具有維持成效,其中以柔軟度、肌耐力具有顯著效果;身體組成及心肺耐力上則無達顯著。


The purpose of this research was to investigate the effect of the rope skipping on physical fitness for student with intellectual disabilities in vocational senior high school. In this research, the experimental design was adopted to examine the physical fitness before and after training and the maintenance effect after a year. Eight 16-to-17-years-old senior high school with intellectual disabilities were selected as the research participants. The independent variable was the rope skipping; the dependent variable is the performance of the physical fitness test result including body composition, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance, and cardiorespiratory endurance. The intervention was given the 50 minutes rope skipping training, twice a week, for 12 weeks. To understand the intervention and maintenance effect of these test subjects’physical fitness after the intervention of the rope skipping, the physical fitness norm of middle and elementary school students published by Ministry of Education in 2012 is adopted as the reference for the test result comparison. The analysis was conducted by dependent sample t-test and nonparametric dependent sample test to examine the effects. The following is the results of this research: 1. Intervention effect The effect of the rope skipping was positive and obvious to the test subjects. The analysis results based on dependent sample t-test in“body compose, flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance”reach significant level(*p<.05), but cardiorespiratory endurance is not significant. 2. Maintenance effect The effect of the rope skipping could provide effective maintenance effect in physical fitness to student with intellectual disabilities in vocational senior high school in items of “flexibility, muscular strength and muscular endurance”(p<.05) , but body compose and cardiorespiratory endurance are not significant.


