  • 學位論文


Speech Perception, Phonological Awareness and Speech Production in Preschool Children with Speech Sound Disorder

指導教授 : 劉惠美


本研究目的是探討不同語音錯誤類型的學齡前語音異常兒童與一般兒童在語音知覺、音韻覺識及語音產出表現的差異,以及語音知覺、音韻覺識能力和語音產出表現間的關聯性與預測力,進而推論不同構音表現亞型之語音異常兒童的問題來源。研究對象為24名典型語音錯誤較少的語音異常兒童(簡稱典型錯誤SSD組)、22名非典型語音錯誤較多的語音異常兒童(簡稱非典型錯誤SSD組)、和24名生理年齡對照的一般兒童(對照組)。所有受試者接受標準化構音測驗、語言理解測驗、非語文智力測驗作為篩選和分組的依據。再以自編的語音產出、語音知覺(純音頻率區辨、語音區辨、範疇知覺辨識)及音韻覺識(押韻判斷、首音判斷、聲調判斷以及音節刪除)等作業測量三組兒童的能力。 本研究的主要發現包括: 一、三組兒童在語音產出能力上有顯著差異,對照組兒童的語音正確率顯著高於其他兩組,而典型與非典型兒童無顯著差異。非典型SSD兒童的錯誤語音中,非典型音韻歷程比率顯著較另兩組來的多,而典型SSD組的典型及非典型音韻歷程比率與對照組沒有顯著差異。另外,非典型SSD兒童出現的非典型音韻歷程種類以及總音韻歷程種類都顯著較另外兩組兒童來的多,典型SSD兒童則是典型音韻歷程的種類顯著較另外兩組多。本研究顯示非典型SSD兒童在音韻歷程類型上出現較多在此年齡階段較少見的音韻歷程。 二、非典型SSD兒童在所有語音知覺的指標皆顯著較另外兩組來的差,而另外兩組之間沒有顯著差異,顯示非典型SSD兒童在語音知覺能力有顯著缺陷,而典型SSD兒童則沒有顯著的語音知覺缺陷。 三、非典型SSD兒童在所有音韻覺識的指標皆顯著較另外兩組來的差,而另外兩組之間在大部分的指標上皆沒有顯著差異,顯示非典型SSD兒童在音韻覺識能力有顯著缺陷。 四、在控制年齡、語言理解及非語文智商之後,語音知覺及音韻覺識的大部分指標都與語音產出有顯著相關,且範疇語音辨識、聲調區辨及音節刪除對於語音產出有顯著的預測力,路徑分析結果也支持語音知覺、音韻覺識與語音產出能力之間有因果關係的論述。 總結而言,本研究發現語音知覺、音韻覺識與語音產出之間有顯著相關,非典型SSD兒童的語音產出困難來源之一為語音知覺及音韻覺識處理上的缺陷。最後依照本研究結果提出對於語音異常兒童的語音產出評估與介入以及未來研究上的建議。


The main purpose of this study was to explore the underlying deficit of speech production in preschool children with speech sound disorders (SSD) by comparing their performance in different speech perception and phonological awareness tasks. The relationships among speech production, speech perception, and phonological awareness abilities were also examined to understand the underlying deficits of speech sound disorders. Twenty-four preschool children with SSD with fewer typical sound errors(typical SDD), 22 children with SSD with more atypical sound errors (atypical SSD), and 24 children with typical development (TD) were recruited to participatethis study. Children’s speech production, language comprehension and nonverbal IQ were measured using standardized tests. Several self-designed computerized tasks were used to assess their speech perception and phonological awareness abilities . Results demonstrated that there were group differences in speech production abilities among these three groups. The Percent Correct of Consonant (PCC) in TD was higher than the other two groups. For the phonological processes, atypical SSD had more atypical phonological processes than the other two groups. Atypical SSD performed poorer in speech perception and phonological awareness abilities than the other groups. The results suggest that the underlying deficit of preschool children with atypical SSD may be related to their defitics in speech perception and phonological awareness abilities. The results of partial correlation analysis showed that children’s categorical speech perception (i.e., consonant identification, tone discrimination) and syllable deletion abilities were all associated with and predictable to their speech productions after controlling the age, language comprehension, and nonverbal IQ. Moreover, the results of path analysis further showed that there was a causal relationship between speech perception, phonological awareness and speech production abilities. The results not only confirmed the importance of speech perception and phonological awareness to speech production development, but also provide some empirical data showing that the deficits in speech perception and phonological awareness could be causally linked to the speech sound productions in preschool children with atypical SSD. The suggestions and implications for the assessment and intervention in children with SSD were discussed.


