  • 學位論文


The relation between musical rhythm, phonological awareness and language development in preschool children.

指導教授 : 王曉嵐


本研究目的在於瞭解學齡前兒童的音樂律動、聲韻覺識及語言發展情形及相關性。對112位(平均月齡67.52月)兒童使用心理測量、音樂律動、聲韻及語言等測驗,研究結果如下: 一、在音樂律動能力方面,分為三項區辨測驗及二項表達測驗,發現學齡前兒童對刺激音為旋律形式的測驗表現皆較佳,可能是旋律音能誘發聽覺記憶進而促進表現。 二、在聲韻覺識能力方面,分為聲調覺識及聲韻母覺識,發現聲調覺識測驗的正確率優於聲韻母覺識測驗,符合聲韻發展歷程。 三、在語言發展能力方面,本研究對象在華語兒童詞彙與表達測驗中得分表現與一般兒童無異。 四、學齡前兒童的音樂律動中的節奏區辨測驗、單音敲擊測驗及旋律敲擊測驗,此三項測驗與語言發展測驗分數具有顯著相關存在,且從迴歸分析發現單音的敲擊能力對語言發展是最具影響力,其次是旋律敲擊能力,最後則是節奏區辨能力。 依據本研究發現提出研究限制,並針對欲進行相關教材設計及未來研究之建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relation between musical rhythm, phonological awareness and language development in preschool children. A series of psychometric, music rhythm, phnological and language assessments were used to examine the relation with 112 preschool children (average age 67.52 months). The results were as follows: 1. For the results of musical rhythm skills, through three discrimination tests and two production tests, participants performed better on the task regarding stimuli in the form of melody. It may be said that melody can induce auditory memory to promote performance. 2. For the results of phonological awareness skills, including tone awareness and onset-rime awareness, participants performed better on the tone awareness test than the onset-rime awareness test. The results were aligned with the development of phonological skills. 3. For the results of language development skills from the analysis of on the Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test, participants’ development followed the normal stages of language development. 4. The results demonstrated that three tests were significantly associated with the vocabulary development test. Based on the hierarchical regression analysis, the tapping to the single beat test had a strongest influence on the language development test, followed by the tapping to the song test and the rhythm discrimination test. Limitations and directions for future research and teaching material designs were discussed in this study.


兒童及少年福利與權益保障法(2014):中華民國一百零三年一月二十二日總統華總一義字第 10300008981 號令修正公布第 33、76 條條文;並增訂第 90-1 條條文。
