  • 學位論文


The Transition of Hengchun Amis’s Religious culture

指導教授 : 賀安娟


本文從原住民族主體立場來重新看待宗教變遷,重新建構宗教變遷的歷史脈絡,探討民族文化觀念與宗教變遷發展之間的關係;以恆春阿美族的漢文化神明信仰變遷的類型為案例,考察宗教變遷的文化歷史與現狀。臺灣原住民族宗教變遷的研究回顧中,缺乏對於變遷歷史脈絡的掌握,因此難以從民族文化觀點理解當代的宗教現象;本文採取從民族文化與歷史脈絡觀點,從變遷動力、過程發展到當代文化,進行符合文化觀念的歷史脈絡分析,這是過去所沒有採取過的研究角度,也是本文重要的貢獻。 本文的研究可以分為三個子題:宗教變遷前的神靈觀念是什麼?宗教變遷動力與發展過程的理解與建構?當代宗教宗教祭儀的意義為何?在研究方法上,主要採取人類學的研究方法,阿美族文化觀念的主題,從神話傳說的記錄進行整理,變遷歷史過程的主題,從歷史文獻與信徒口述歷史的方法來解讀與建構;當代的宗教祭儀認同主題,則以實地調查的參與觀察法,理解宗教活動中的原漢關係與文化認同。本文在章節安排上,以巫師、土地石、星星神與太陽女神幾個信仰案例,各作為一個章節進行說明,內容包含傳統文化觀、變遷時代與歷史發展,最後呈現當代巫術祭儀、土地公、七興娘媽與珠三娘媽信仰。結論部分,從各宗教變遷案例的探討,分析漢文化形式表現與文化觀念運作之間的關係。 恆春阿美族民族宗教在清代仍然盛行,日治時期受到漢移民宗教興盛發展影響,阿美族人與漢族有共同祭祀的需求,帶動了阿美族宗教文化的變遷;阿美族的神靈觀念對應漢族神明信仰,開始出現神聖象徵物,也確立採用漢文化形式的發展方向。當代宗教信仰,隨漢文化形式發展,也出現漢族神明雕像的表現,作為跟區域香火廟交流、參香的宗教社會形式;漢文化形式發展的同時,阿美族人仍然由神靈觀念、起源敘事,或是進香活動,從不同方式實踐民族/文化/部落的起源認同。宗教變遷中的文化觀念運作中,以天地人、日月星與祖靈觀念為主,相互連結為文化觀念結構,作為宗教文化變遷運作的機制。


阿美族 宗教變遷 文化觀 文化認同 恆春


In recent years the religious culture of the aboriginal peoples of Taiwan has greatly flourished. However, as a means of interpreting this phenomena, most research makes use the theoretical framework of “sinification”–which completely lacks the aboriginal people’s subjectivity. This thesis therefore attempts to analyze recent developments in the religious life of the Ami people from Hengchun from the perspective of aboriginal culture itself, while also highlighting the interactions between aboriginal culture and other forms of contemporary cultures. During the Japanese era, the Hengchun Ami people reclaimed land in the eastern parts of Taiwan–mainly in the Hualian, Taitung and Pingtung counties, and in this process, they also incorporated some of the local beliefs in their religious practices. This thesis analyses the way in which the Hengchun Ami first adopted and then spread amongst other Ami tribes the beliefs in deities such as the God of the Earth (tudi gong 土地公), the Seven-Star-Mother Goddess (qi niang ma 七娘媽) and the Three-Pearl-Mothers Goddesses (zhu san niang ma 珠三娘媽)–all belonging to the han religious practices. In addition, this thesis focuses on the how the Ami shamanic traditions have changed since the Japanese era. Research methodology for the analysis of the local traditions regarding the aforementioned god(esse)s incorporated field research, interviews and participative observations combined with historical literature and employing comparative methods to analyze how culture changed through time. The reconstruction and interpretation of this cultural history adopts the point of view of the Ami culture. The findings are divided in two sections: those concerning the history of the development of Chinese cultural forms, and the cultural point of view of the aboriginal people. These highlight that the Hengchun Ami people began adopting han religious elements during the Japanese era. These have developed over the course of fifty years, during which the external forms of the han traditions were employed as a means to re-present aboriginal traditions, thus reviving traditional deities and creational myths regarding the sun and the moon, the stars, heaven and earth. Thus, Chinese religious forms and concepts such as that of Heaven, Earth and People and the ancestral rites are employed to re-present and revive the aboriginal beliefs and rituals.


