  • 學位論文


A study of the comparison of enlightenment discussion of Taiwan, China and Korea in the 1920s――Focused on Xie Chun-mu, Zhou Zuo-ren, and Lee Gwang-soo

指導教授 : 許俊雅


本論文橫跨了1920年代前後半的臺灣、中國、朝鮮等地,針對在各地展開文化啟蒙運動的近代啟蒙期知識分子謝春木、周作人、李光洙進行比較,目的為認識他們各自主張的啟蒙之異同,並探討他們對於各自所屬的共同體所產生的危機意識與實行面上之對策。 1920年代,臺灣、中國、朝鮮社會在政治、經濟、文化等各層面面臨了強權侵襲,有的知識分子挺身面對這股浪潮,更多的知識分子投身於這浪潮中。謝春木、周作人、李光洙三位知識分子雖不能全面代表當時的近代文化運動,不過鑑於其對留學所得見聞的深度活用、在文化啟蒙運動中貫徹自身哲學並力行實踐等共通點,因此筆者選擇這三位知識分子作為研究對象,欲透過探討三位知識分子進一步觀察當時東亞國家之間在社會文化層面上的要事、事件的發展與事件之間的交互影響。 本文章節架構分為六章。第一章說明研究動機、先行揭示研究主題,並闡述該主題的研究價值與研究方法,第六章提出結論。第二章至第五章為此論文之本論。 第二章橫跨1910~1920年代的臺灣、中國與朝鮮社會,以各地的文化啟蒙運動為中心考察當時東亞之情勢,並探討啟蒙運動時期的謝春木、周作人與李光洙為了推廣針對文明、知識與啟蒙的談論各自扮演了什麼樣的角色,而社會上又因此對他們形成了什麼樣的輿論。 第三章對謝春木、周作人與李光洙的日本留學時期進行分析,留日生活對他們的思維體系與歸國後推動的各種活動有著密不可分的關係。儘管因為他們赴日留學的目的都一樣是向新文明學習,不過這三者歸國之後採取行動仍展現出不同的思維模式。謝春木雖然在日本接觸到了新文明,但歸國後在日本統治下仍積極參與社會改造運動,並針對日本對臺灣與臺灣人採取的不平等制度展開批判。反之,周作人與李光洙則十分享受日本留學生活,喜愛日本文化且對日本文化高度讚揚。並不約而同地將日本視為中國與朝鮮的鏡子,傾注努力亟欲將日本的文明化重現於祖國。 第四章整理謝春木、周作人與李光洙對於文明的構想,三者所構思的文明論依然與「日本」有著密切的相關性。臺灣與朝鮮分別於1895年及1910年8月成為日本的殖民地,中國則是在鴉片戰爭中敗給英國後就淪為被列強逐獵利益的半殖民地。臺灣、中國與朝鮮在本質上同樣處於(半)殖民地的處境,依然與前一時期一樣,缺乏成為能夠實現文明化的公民國家的主體性。儘管面臨這樣的現實,謝春木仍不放棄反日抗爭,渴望建設以臺灣與臺灣人為主體、只屬於臺灣人的臺灣式國家。周作人與李光洙提倡的「文明論」採用的論點並未把中國與朝鮮當作主體,周作人受到日本「新村」的影響,計劃在中國建立日本的「新村」,李光洙也像周作人一樣將日本視為範本,希望在朝鮮實現日本式的文明。 第五章針對謝春木的〈她要往何處去〉、周作人的〈貞操論〉與李光洙的〈無情〉中的女性角色與地位進行剖析,當時「女性」這個關鍵字是一種否定封建制度,也是象徵著進步與革新的議題。謝春木、周作人、李光洙主張必須尊重女性自身的人格和個性、自由戀愛、自由結婚、挑戰貞操觀念,並且追求男女平等與女性解放,正面挑戰父權體制社會。即便他們的主張與行動就算因為種種挫折而落幕,依然展現了1920年代的時代精神並代表著女權運動的一環。


This paper intends to review and compare the enlightenments of intellectuals, Xie Chun-mu, Zhou Zuo-ren and Lee Kwang-soo, focused on the meanings of enlightenment that each of them advocated, consciousness of crisis about the communities they belonged to, and practical countermeasures. They worked in the modern enlightenment period based on the cultural enlightenment movements that took place in Taiwan, China and Korea throughout the 1920s. The societies of Taiwan, China and Korea in the 1920s had been gulped down by strong political, economical and culturalwaves. Some intellectuals fought against the waves, while many others rode the waves. It cannot be said that these three figures represent the modern cultural movements of those days. But, they were selected based on the conditions that they studied abroad expanding their knowledge and experiences, had their own philosophies and desperateness on cultural enlightenment movement, and carried out practical actions for it. Through the three figures, the paper looks into what happened socio-culturally in East Asiaback then, how events unfolded, and how the events influenced each others. The paper consists of 6 chapters. Chapter 1 deals with research motivation and preliminary research review, and research values and methodology, and Chapter 6 is a conclusion. The body part is addressed from Chapter 2 to 5. Chapter 2 considers the situations of East Asia back then based on the cultural enlightenment movements that occurred in the societies of Taiwan, China and Korea throughout the 1910s and 1920s. With this, the chapter looks into the roles of Xie Chun-mu, Zhou Zuo-ren, and Lee Kwang-soo for disseminating civilization, knowledge, discussion of enlightenment in the period of enlightenment movement, and what kinds of discussion were made. Chapter 3 learns about the times when these three figures studied in Japan. Their studying in Japan is closely related with their thinking systems and diverse actions they wanted to push forward in their home countries. Chapter 4 considers the designs of civilizationthey formulated. Japan held a place in the centerfor the civilization theories they designed. Xie Chun-mu put up a resistance against Japan, upholding a country that Taiwan became theagent and run by the Taiwanese in a Taiwanese way. The theories of civilization pursued by Zhou Zuo-ren and Lee Kwang-soo called on that China and Korea could not be the agents of the countries. Zhou Zuo-ren who was influenced by “Sinchon” of Japan intended to realize the Sinchon in China. Lee Kwang-soo, just like Zhou Zuo-ren, viewed Japan as the model and wanted to form a Japanese-style civilization. Chapter 5 considers the roles and status of women in the civilizations designed by Xie Chun-mu, Zhou Zuo-ren and Lee Kwang-soo. The keyword “women” back then was one of the progressive and reformist issues that could be used as a means to renounce the feudalism and do away with the old regimes and customs.


Ⅰ 中文部分
