  • 學位論文


The Facilitatory Effect of Word-Unit Presentation on Reading Chinese with an Application in Teaching Chinese as a Second Language

指導教授 : 陳振宇


本研究以中文母語者及在台灣學習中文的外籍生為對象,採用「自主步調閱讀任務」(self-paced reading task)的實驗方法,探討以「字」、「詞」、「短句」、「短文」為單位的呈現方式對中文閱讀效率的影響。研究進行了一個預試實驗及兩個主要實驗。各實驗均採單因子參與者內實驗設計,自變項為不同語言單位(字、詞、短句、短文)的呈現方式,依變項為「閱讀時間(毫秒)」、「答題時間(毫秒)」與「答題正確率」。預試實驗請參與者以按一次鍵出現一個字或詞的方式閱讀短句。結果顯示,母語者和中文為第二語言學習者在以「詞」為單位呈現的整句閱讀時間上明顯少於以「字」為單位呈現的整句閱讀時間,兩種情況下的答題時間和答題正確率則相當。上述結果有可能是由於以「詞」為單位呈現情況下的按鍵次數比以「字」為單位呈現情況下的按鍵次數較少的緣故。實驗一複製預試實驗的作法,另外加入「短句」的呈現方式。結果顯示,中文母語者「以短句為單位呈現」的閱讀時間最快;中文為第二語言學習者則是「以詞為單位呈現」的閱讀時間最快。後面這個結果可以排除按鍵次數差異的解釋(短句呈現的方式無須按鍵,但是閱讀時間並沒有比以詞為單位呈現時的快)。實驗二以短文為閱讀材料,全文以整篇一次呈現,或以按一次鍵出現一個詞的方式呈現。實驗結果顯示,中文為第二語言學習者「以詞為單位呈現」的閱讀時間明顯低於「以整篇為單位呈現」的閱讀時間。綜合三個實驗的結果可知,「以詞為單位呈現」文句的方式對學習中文的外籍生在閱讀時有明顯的幫助,理由是這種呈現方式免除了斷詞(將字組合成詞)的認知負荷,使其能快速的提取詞義,進而有助於句義的即時整合與理解。本研究根據實驗結果,設計了一個「中文閱讀練習軟體」,讓學習中文的外籍生能夠選擇以詞為單位閱讀中文,藉此加強他們對詞的意識與熟悉度,從而提高閱讀效率。本研究的成果對於華語作為第二語言的閱讀教學或教材設計上提供了重要的理論基礎及實務上的貢獻。


This study attempts to examine the effect of word-unit presentation on reading Chinese by using a self-paced reading task with Linger and E-prime software. Chinese natives and CSL learners in Taiwan are required to read Chinese materials, broken into four linguistic units (character, word, sentence, and paragraph), at a pace they control by pressing the spacebar. A pilot experiment and two main experiments are conducted to compare the reading proficiency between the two groups. The comprehension rate, reaction time, and total reading time are investigated. The result of the pilot study indicates that both groups read materials presented in word units fastest without lowering the comprehension and reaction time. However, the facilitatory effects of word units might be considered as the result of fewer key presses compared with character units. In Experiment 1, replication of the pilot study, sentence-unit presentation is added. The result shows that sentence units are read fastest for Chinese natives. In contrast, CSL learners read the materials presented by word units the fastest. The number of key press is therefore not the issue since participants do not press the key while reading sentence units. Experiment 2 adopts word-unit and paragraph-unit presentation. The result suggests that CSL learners read the materials presented by word units faster than paragraph units. These findings of the study well demonstrate the facilitatory effect of word units on reading Chinese for CSL learners because they can take advantage of pre-segmentation procedures, identify words accurately and improve their reading proficiency. With these exploratory findings of the study, a key aim is to extend them to apply to empirical Chinese teaching. Therefore, software for learners to practice reading Chinese is successfully developed from the study to help reduce CSL learners’ cognitive load, intensify the sensibility to Chinese words, enhance their reading skills, and learn Chinese more efficiently. It is hoped that the relevant findings of the study can provide theoretical basis, motivate future research, and contribute to Teaching Chinese as a Second Language.


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