  • 學位論文


Beyond Employment:The Immigrant Women’s Micro-Enterprise Experience

指導教授 : 潘淑滿


走訪街頭,多少可見販售異國美食的招牌林立,許多店舖經營者正是來自異國的新移民女性,意味新移民女性的就業型態不再侷限於受雇工作或非典型勞動,創業漸漸成為另一項選擇,其中又以小本經營的微型創業居多。儘管微型創業較易入門,但仍具某種程度的風險,新移民女性選擇創業的考量為何?如何在接待社會積累創業資本進而實踐創業計畫?創業又對她們的生活帶來什麼轉變?為尋找上述疑問之解答,本研究企求探討新移民女性的微型創業經驗,使用質性研究方法,透過深度訪談法蒐集資料,共訪問8位居住於台北、新竹及台南的已創業新移民。 研究發現促發新移民女性創業的背景,分別為工作與照顧責任的衝突、受到創業優點的吸引、夢想實踐。創業籌備期間,受訪者會視個人資源多寡決定創業規模,資金部分多為個人積蓄,少數由丈夫及早年來臺的娘家親屬協助,對政府提供的創業貸款方案持保守態度;創業技術方面,通常來自受訪者過往的工作經驗累積,其次才是為了創業計畫特別花時間學習;創業經營期間,為求生意興隆,除秉持真材實料,更會運用行銷策略刺激買氣,如外送、宅配或客製化服務,過程中難免遭遇困境,面臨資金周轉不靈、人事困境或場地更迭變動,往往透過非正式資源的協助解除危機,但並非每次皆能順利因應。創業過程有苦有樂,對多數新移民女性而言都是一個關鍵的轉捩點,她們從中獲得經濟自主機會,提升家庭權力位階,與受雇工作相比,擁有更多時間可彈性支配運用,在工作及生活中拾得掌控權,更重要的是她們藉由創業找到階級流動的可能。 最後,研究者建議我國政府應提供更適切與可及性之創業輔導方案,重視新移民的多元文化特質,協助發展、運用該項優勢,實務工作者則須充分掌握社區資源,有效連結建立供需互助網絡,為新移民女性提供更友善的創業環境。


There are many exotic restaurants in Taiwan, which are owned and managed by immigrant women. This means that the immigrant women’s employment opportunities are no longer limited to employees or atypical labor work. Entrepreneurship gradually becomes the alternative. Among others, micro-enterprise is the most popular. Although micro-enterprise is easy to approach, there is risk to some degree. What are the concerns for the immigrant women in entrepreneurship? How to practice entrepreneurship by accumulating capital in the society? How does entrepreneurship change their life? In order to respond the previous questions, this study explores the immigrant women’s micro-enterprise experience. By qualitative research method, this study collected data by in-depth interviews with 8 immigrants with entrepreneurship living in Taipei, Hsinchu and Tainan. According to the results, the immigrant women’s backgrounds of entrepreneurship are conflict between job and responsibility of care, attraction of advantages of entrepreneurship and self-realization. In the preparation of entrepreneurship, the subjects decide the scale of enterprise according to personal resources. The capital is mostly the personal saving. Few of them are supported by husbands or relatives who arrived in Taiwan in early times. They are conservative about the plan of entrepreneurship loan offered by government. As to technique of entrepreneurship, it is mainly based on the subjects’ past work experience and the second is their learning for the plan of entrepreneurship. In the operation of enterprise, for the concern of business, besides the emphasis on selected materials, they promote the business by marketing strategies, such as delivery or customized service. In the process, the obstacles are inevitable. They encounter the problems of capital, personnel affairs or change of locations. They mostly deal with the crisis by informal resources. However, they are not successful all the time. In entrepreneurship, they experience happiness and difficulty. For most of the immigrant women, it is their turning point. They obtain economic autonomy and reinforce status in family. In comparison to jobs as employees, they have more flexible time. They control work and life. More importantly, they find the possibility of class flow by entrepreneurship. Finally, this study suggests that Taiwan government should provide more appropriate and approachable guidance plan of entrepreneurship, pay attention to immigrant’ multiple cultural characteristics, assist with development and use the advantages. Practical workers must fully control community resources and effectively construct supply-demand network to provide friendlier environment of entrepreneurship for the immigrant women.


