  • 學位論文


The Study of Liederkreis, Op.39 by Robert Schumann

指導教授 : 張詩欣


十九世紀的德國作曲家羅伯特.亞力山大.舒曼 (Robert Alexander Schumann, 1810-1856) 承接當代浪漫主義對個人情感抒發的重視,又具有高度文學與藝術涵養,善於充分將詩詞與音樂完美地結合,因而譜出一首首動人且留傳於世的藝術歌曲。本文之研究主題為舒曼的《艾辛朵夫歌曲集》(Liederkreis, Op.39),此作品採用德國浪漫主義詩人艾辛朵夫 (Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff, 1788-1857) 的十二首詩所譜成,寫作於1840年5月。舒曼藉用艾辛朵夫詩篇中記述夜晚或森林等印象,以音樂表現出他所領會的深層意涵;由於當時也正值他為了愛戀克拉拉 (Clara Wieck, 1819-1896) 與維克教授 (Friedrich Wieck, 1785-1873) 打官司期間,從選詞及音樂中亦可窺見其內心對於愛情的嚮往、喜悅以及不安、急切等情緒之變化。   本文第一章為緒論,之後,第二章先淺論十九世紀浪漫主義文學發展,及浪漫文學與藝術歌曲之關係,並簡述詩人艾辛朵夫的生平背景與詩作風格;第三章介紹舒曼的生平,並檢視其藝術歌曲之創作特點;第四章則先介紹《艾辛朵夫歌曲集》的創作背景,繼而結合演練經驗的思索以及對各首歌曲中詩詞、音樂的細部分析,探討鋼琴與歌者各自重要的演奏詮釋方法,與彼此合作關係中的要點。


舒曼 艾辛朵夫 歌曲集 浪漫主義


German composer Robert Alexander Schumann succeeded the nineteenth-century Romanticism emphasizing expressions of personal emotions in his music making. His profound understanding in both literature and art always led him to combine poetry and music smoothly in art-song compositions. This paper “Schumann's Liederkreis, Op.39” focuses in the twelve art songs using poems written by German romantic poet Joseph Freiherr von Eichendorff in May, 1840. Schumann adopted the poet’s wonderful description of scenes at night and in forests, yet showed his own deeper understanding through music writing. Those songs were composed while he had a lawsuit against Friedrich Wieck for his love relationship with Clara Wieck. Thus, from the chosen text and musical designs, one may easily sense all mixed emotions, such as strong desire for love, bitter sweetness and anxiety…etc. which Schumann held during that period. The first chapter explains the author’s motif research method and goal of writing this paper. The second chapter briefly discusses the development of Romantic literature in the nineteenth-century, and then gives an introduction of the poet, Eichendorff’s personal background and his writing style. The third chapter introduces Schumann and important musical characteristics of his art songs. Then, after giving the creating background of "Eichendorff Song Collection", the author combines thoughts gained in her performing experiences and analyzing both the poems and music in details so to discuss how each pair of pianist and singer may practice individually as well as interpret those songs through collaboration.


Schumann Eichendorff Liederkreis Romanticism


朱立民、顏元叔。《西洋文學導讀 (上冊)》。台北:巨流圖書公司,2009。
