  • 學位論文

雙北市高職綜合職能科學生家長 對轉銜服務之參與現況與期望

The Study of Parents’ Participation and Expectation in Transition Service of Students with Disabilities in Vocational High Schools

指導教授 : 吳亭芳


本研究目的在瞭解綜合職能科學生家長對於轉銜服務的參與現況以及期望。研究者利用自行發展的四點量表,以雙北市高職綜合職能科家長為對象,進行調查。共發出329份問卷,回收206份有效問卷,並以描述性統計及皮爾森積差相關進行資料分析。研究結果如下: 一、綜合職能科學生家長對於教師提供轉銜服務之參與現況 高職綜合職能科學生家長參與轉銜服務參與現況偏低為「偶而偏經常」,其中以「生活輔導」及「心理輔導」參與較佳;而家長參與度較低為「升學輔導」。 二、綜合職能科學生家長對於教師提供轉銜服務之期望 高職綜合職能科學生家長對參與轉銜服務的整體期望為「需再一些協助」,各項度中以「就業輔導」期望最高,「其他相關專業」次之;整體而言期望最低為「升學輔導」,但是未來規劃為升學之學生家長,對於轉銜服務的期望最高。 三、不同背景變項之綜合職能科學生家長在轉銜服務參與現況的差異情形 研究發現家庭結構方面,「雙親家庭」及「中高社經地位」的家長參與情形最高,而「單親家庭」及「低社經地位」的家長參與情形最低。學生性別為「男生」、障礙程度為「重度」、障礙類別為「其他」以及未來規劃為「接受職業訓練」的家長參與情形最高。ii 四、不同背景變項之綜合職能科學生家長在轉銜服務期望的差異情形 研究發現家庭結構方面,「雙親家庭」及「中高社經地位」的家長對轉銜服務的期望最高,而「單親家庭」及「低社經地位」的家長期望最低。學生性別為「男生」、障礙程度為「中度」、障礙類別為「自閉症」以及未來規劃為「升學」的家長對於轉銜服務的期望高。 五、綜合職能科學生家長對轉銜參與現況和期望之關係 「家長參與轉銜服務現況」與「家長參與轉銜服務期望」兩部分達低度正相關,顯示家長參與轉銜服務越多,期望也有機會越高。在「生活輔導」、「心理輔導」、「其他相關服務」及「福利服務」項度中,參與的現況皆略高於期望,家長對於接受這些方面的轉銜服務需求期望較低。 根據研究結果,研究者提出針對不同背景變項者所應著重之轉銜項度、轉銜目的與方向、轉銜期望的表達管道等實務及未來研究之建議。


The purpose of this study was to explore parents’ participation and expectation in transition service of students with disabilities in vocational high schools. A self-designed questionnaire developed through extensiveliterature review was used to collect data. 206 parents with children in vocational high schools in Taipei City and in New Taipei City replied to the questionnaire and the data was analyzed by SPSS 22.0. The results indicated the followings: 1.Parents of students with disabilities occasionally or often participated in transition services in vocational high school. The areas of transition services parents participated most often are " Daily activities training" and "Psychological counselling". Parents participated least in the area of "College counselling ". 2.Most parents of students with disabilities indicated that they need some more assistance in overall transition services, especially in the areas of vocational counselling and related services. 3.Family with both parents and high socioeconomic statusparticipated more often in transition services. Also, they possessed higher expectationin transition services. iv 4.Parents of male students, students with moderate severity, and autistic diagnosis participated more often in transition services. 5.There was a low positive correlationbetween parents’ participation and expectation in transition service. Finally, based on the research results, suggestions for practice and further studies were provided.


