  • 學位論文


A study on the behavior intention of Home Care Workers' using technology

指導教授 : 林宜穎


高齡社會的來臨,居家服務的使用率逐年上升。居家照顧服務員為第一線的照顧者,隨著科技的發達,有不少的文獻顯示照顧服務員在工作時若能充分使用數位科技將能提升照顧之效果。然而基於國內相關文獻的缺乏,且長照人員科技使用經驗不足、接受度不高。據此,本研究旨在探討居家照顧服務員之科技使用行為意圖進行探討。本研究採問卷調查法,以立意取樣的方式針對現職居家照顧服務員之科技使用行為意圖進行調查,經由紙本及網路問卷調查,有效問卷為178份。以迴歸分析方法檢定本研究之研究架構與人口統計變項之調節效果。研究結果發現:(1)社會影響、訓練支持、預期成效與預期努力對行為意圖皆有正向之影響關係。其中,預期成效對科技使用行為意圖的影響最為顯著,其次是預期努力,最低是訓練支持。(2)性別、年齡和科技使用經驗在社會影響、訓練支持、預期成效、預期努力與行為意圖間均無顯著調節效果。依本研究結果推論, 預期成效是最為顯著居家照顧服務員科技使用行為的因素,可知居家照顧服務員在科技對於照顧工作是有用的方面上是非常同意的。此外,由於科技進步,加上大部分的居家照顧服務員要將科技的使用運用在照顧上,尚未達到普遍,故對於科技使用能為照顧工作帶來實質幫助及使用上所需要的效能上不熟悉,因此在關於性別、年齡與科技使用經驗差異在社會影響、訓練支持、預期成效、預期努力與行為意圖間均不存在調節效果,此部分的結果是與原來的科技整合理論不同之處。本研究結果可供給未來長照服務產業在設計與開發相關訓練課程與輔具時之參考,同時我們也可以藉由提供科技的支持訓練,來改善那群不想使用科技的居家照顧服務員,以增加其對於科技使用的意圖與能運用於照顧服務的工作中。


With the advent of the elderly society, the utilization rate of home services has increased year by year. Home care attendants are the first-line caregivers. With the development of technology, there are many documents showing that if caregivers can make full use of digital technology at work, they can improve the effectiveness of care. However, due to the lack of relevant domestic documents, the long-term employees have insufficient experience in using science and technology, and the acceptance is not high. Based on this, this research aims to explore the behavioral intentions of home care attendants using technology. This study adopts the questionnaire survey method to investigate the current home care attendants' behavioral intentions of using technology by means of intentional sampling. Through paper and online questionnaires, there are 178 valid questionnaires. Regression analysis method is used to verify the research framework of this study and the adjustment effect of demographic variables. The results of the study found that: (1) Social influence, training support, expected results, and expected effort all have a positive influence on behavioral intentions. Among them, the expected effect has the most significant impact on the intention of the use of technology, followed by the expected effort, and the lowest is the training support. (2) Gender, age, and technology use experience have no significant effects on social influence, training support, expected results, expected effort, and behavioral intentions. Based on the results of this study,Expected results are the most significant factor in the use of technology by home care attendants. It can be seen that home care attendants agree that technology is useful for care work. In addition, due to advances in technology and most of the home care workers have to use technology for care, it has not yet reached universality, so they are not familiar with the use of technology to bring substantial help to the care work and the performance required for use. Therefore, there is no moderating effect on social influence, training support, expected results, expected effort, and behavioral intentions regarding gender, age, and technological use experience differences. The result of this part is different from the original technology integration theory. The results of this study can provide future reference for the long-term care service industry in the design and development of related training courses and assistive devices. At the same time, we can also improve the group of home care attendants who do not want to use technology by providing technical support training to increase Its intention to use technology and its ability to be used in care services.


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