  • 學位論文


A Study on “Yi Jing Chu Xue Yi Lei” by Huang, Jing, a Former Taiwanese Sage

指導教授 : 賴貴三


提要 《易經初學義類》標明為清咸豐年間淡水關渡文人黃敬(1806-1888)先生所撰,且為黃敬先生目前僅存能見之《易》學著作。此書現存兩個版本,其一為范教璿道長於民國45年(1956)得之於舊書肆,後整理並集資付印的民國54年(1965)版本。其二為鄉人陳鐓厚為之輯佚,後由周超擔任發行人之臺北「萬有善書出版社」於民國62年(1973)10月印行。 其書博採程朱及其後學《易》學家與《易》學書籍之說,內容大致以義理為主,並以「六爻之義本一理,四聖之旨本一貫」為核心觀念。此書是臺灣《易》學史上現存最早之史事《易》學存目專著,故本論文以此書為題,期望留下初步的研究記錄。 第一章〈緒論〉下分三節,第一節說明本論文的研究動機與目的,第二節回顧前賢的研究文獻。因學界早前將《易經初學義類》定位為已佚失之書,故目前以此書為討論主題的文章極少,由此亦能看出本研究的迫切性。第三節介紹本文的研究方法與步驟。 第二章為〈黃敬生平事蹟考述〉,分別從其生平事蹟、為學處世、著述考述與《易》學淵源等角度切入,試著使黃敬其人的形象更加清晰。與黃敬相關之記載內容大多雷同,然其中相異之處可再延伸並挖掘出更多資料。 第三章為〈《易經初學義類》治易方法〉,分別從〈觀易十例〉、下經上釋、博採群籍、博引前人《易》說等面向,探討黃敬此書的編寫體例與解《易》方式。 第四章為〈《易經初學義類》援史證易〉,首先簡要整理史事《易》學研究之重點,並整理其書內援史證《易》之條目,後下分四小節探討其援史類型、援史切當性、援史動機、援史史觀,以試圖釐清其史事《易》學之傾向。 第五章為〈結論〉,下分「黃敬《易》學之時代意義」、「黃敬《易》學貢獻」、「黃敬《易》學地位」、「檢討與未來展望」共四節,總結本文的研究成果並分析得失,同時提出未來可以繼續研究的方向供有興趣的學者參考。


Abstract “Yi Jing Chu Xue Yi Lei” was written by Huang, Jing, a literati from Guandu in Tamsui during the Xian Feng period of the Qing Dynasty.This book is also his only remaining book on “Yi Jing”.There are two existing editions of this book.One was purchased by the Taoist priest named Fan, Jiao-Xuan in a second-hand bookstore in 1956, and then collected and printed.The other version is the 1973 version that was edited by Chen, Dun-Hou and later published by Taipei Wan You Shan Shu Publishing House with Zhou, Chao as the publisher in 1973. This book is compiled with reference to the works of “Yi Jing” by Cheng, Yi, Zhu, Xi and later scholars.The content is mainly based on Yi Li, and the core concept is “Liu Yao Zhi Yi Ben Yi Li,Si Shen Zhi Zhi Ben Yi Guan”.This book is the earliest surviving monograph in the academic history of Taiwan’s “Yi Jing”.Therefore, this article takes this book as the title, hoping to leave a preliminary research record. Chapter one “Introduction” is divided into three sections.The first part explains the research motivation and purpose of this thesis.The second part reviews the research literature of predecessors.Previously, academic circles believed that this book had been lost, so there were few articles on this book as a topic of discussion.From this we can see the urgency of this research.The third part introduces the research methods and steps of this article. Chapter two is “Research on Huang, Jing’s Life and Deeds”.This chapter discusses Huang, Jing’s life deeds and attitudes, sorts out his works and academic origins, and strives to make Huang, Jing’s image clearer.The records related to Huang, Jing in different books are very similar, and their differences are worth exploring. The third chapter is “Yi Jing Chu Xue Yi Lei Zhi Yi Fang Fa”.This chapter discusses the writing style and interpretation methods of Huang, Jing’s works from the aspects of “Guan Yi Shi Li”, interpretation, quotations from other related works of “Yi Jing”, and quotations from predecessors. The fourth chapter is “Yi Jing Chu Xue Yi Lei Yuan Shi Zhen Yi”.First, sort out the research focus of the “Yi Jing” with historical events as the core. Then sort out the historical data cited in “Yi Jing Chu Xue Yi Lei”. Finally, it is divided into four sections to discuss the types of quoting history, the suitability of quoting history, the reasons for quoting history, and the view of history, in order to clarify Huang, Jing’s ideological tendency. The last chapter is “Conclusion”. This chapter is divided into four sections: “Huang, Jing Yi Xue Zhi Shi Dai Yi Yi”, “Huang, Jing Yi Xue Gong Xian”, “Huang, Jing Yi Xue Di Wei”, and “Jian Tao Yu Wei Lai Zhan Wang”. Summarize the research results of this article, analyze the gains and losses, and at the same time put forward the directions for future research.


(一) 黃敬著作
1. 〔清〕黃敬著,陳鐓厚編:《芸香齋藏書‧觀潮齋詩集》,典藏於國立臺灣圖書館,日本昭和5年(1930)5月鉛印本。
2. 〔清〕黃敬:《易經初學義類》,臺北:萬有善書出版社,1973年。
(二) 經部相關書籍
