  • 學位論文

探討新冠肺炎疫情影響下,國際健身產業趨勢發展與複合商業模式創新 - 以「莎老師線上教室」為例

The Study of the Trend Development for the International Fitness Industry and the Innovation of Composite Business Models under the Impact of the COVID-19 Epidemic -The Case Study of "Sasha Online Classroom"

指導教授 : 王千睿


2019 年末第一起新冠疫情於中國武漢爆發後,連帶影響經濟、政治、交通、 社會與人們的生活型態,為全球環境帶來巨大的變化。強制保持社交距離與居 家抗疫的政府規定,同時也帶起居家工作、 遠距照護、線上課程等趨勢興起。 線上健身課程平台也因應而生,開啟大鳴大放的時代。本研究透過三個不同地 區的個案分析與文獻探討,討論杜拜、澳洲悉尼(雪梨)、澳洲墨爾本三地的實 體教練轉型線上數位化,其商業模式的改變及行銷策略的使用有何異同。透過 上述三個案例的討論後,再分析健身相關企業的補充案例 Alo Yoga、Lily Sabri、 Les Mills,以學習中小型健身品牌的經營方式,做為研究者自身品牌「莎老師 線上教室」帶來的啟發與學習。 由於線上平台的架設與網路科技逐漸完善,加以線上課程的省時與便利性, 讓人們對於未來複合式的學習方式 (實體+線上) 有個明確可執行的夢想藍圖。勉 勵後續相關領域研究學者,可以透過學習比對不同健身相關產業的複合型商業 模式,對其發展沿革與關鍵合作夥伴的挑選及運作方式,探討後疫情時代全球 疫苗普及的環境下,相關產業如何透過全球大網路時代共同合作,提升自身品牌價值。


The first case of novel coronavirus was identified in Wuhan, China at the end of 2019. It has changed some of the ways in our lives, including the economy, politics, transportation, society, and human lifestyles. The illness has affected nearly every aspect of life. The effects of stay-at-home and social distancing restrictions from the government have led to many significant changes in the way we live including the rise of work-from-home, telehealth, and online-learning. There are three cases of local fitness trainers who have turned their career to online platforms from different locations (Dubai, Sydney, Melbourne). A discuss of business model transformation during the novel pandemic and the marketing strategy differences between three of the major cases will be presented in this essay. Reflecting upon my session, there are three more fitness industries related cases from overseas corporations that will be offered in the paper including Alo Yoga (Alo Moves), Lily Sabri, Les Mills. It helps research’s own brand “Burn With Sasha” could get some inspiration and imitation. A lot of people are looking forward the hybrid learning because of the reasons: the mature innovation of online platforms, the well-developed high-speed internet, and the two benefits of online learning – time saving and convenience. The study will reveal the new normal lifestyle after a novel pandemic in 2021. It encourages people who study the same category can develop the difference of multiple fitness industry related corporations, the business strategy of partnership among the corporations with the key partners and the way that how to be connected between the corporations and the whole world.


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