  • 學位論文


Research on the application of pop art in textile fluorescent printing pattern creation

指導教授 : 周賢彬


日光對於生命萬物來說是至關重要、無可取代的,人類的作息無論是休憩、勞動生產,皆隨著太陽日昇夜落的軌跡規律的運轉。而拜科技之賜,電力與燈具的發明改變了人類的生活習慣,逐漸地將活動時間延伸到幽暗的夜晚,致使夜間的活動益加頻繁。 人造光源必然需要仰賴電力運作,雖然科技日新月異,可讓能源消耗降低、照度提高,碳排放、用電量的問題獲得改善,但在人們無限制的增加夜晚照明範圍時,也同時強化了光污染對地球的影響。 本研究探討將螢光光源設計於紡織壁布上,同時採取具寬闊面積的室內牆面作設計呈現,引導觀賞者以全視野方式觀看,並聚焦在不影響睡眠品質,且具安全考量的弱光源方式,經由關閉周圍室內人造光源,使夜間室內的照明光源回歸到僅需要的範圍,以減少能源及光源的浪費。 承以文獻探討的方式,藉由普普藝術當代三位代表人物及其作品,分析其藝術呈現的脈絡及技巧,進而歸納出普普藝術的特色,隨即成為圖案創作演譯的參考,應用數位噴墨印花工程技術將創作之圖案作品呈現於紡織壁布上,營造出所預期需要的視覺效果。通過紡織壁布設計的牆面造型,展現獨特風格的新樣貌,並可提供未來室內光源及室壁布裝潢設計的參考。


Daylight is vital to all things in life and is irreplaceable. Whether human beings are resting or working, the rising and setting trajectory of the sun is always followed. Thanks to science and technology, the invention of electricity and lights changed human life habits, and the activity time gradually extended to the night, resulting in more frequent night activities. Artificial light sources must rely on electricity to operate. Although rapid advances in technology can reduce energy consumption, increase illuminance, and improve carbon emissions and electricity consumption, when people unrestrictedly increase the range of night lighting, it also exacerbates the impact of light pollution on the earth. This study explored the design of fluorescent light sources on textile wall coverings, and used large-area indoor walls for design display, guiding the audience to watch from all directions without the affection on sleep quality. By turning off the surrounding light sources and replacing them with weaker indoor artificial light sources, the indoor light sources at night can be restored to the required range, reducing the waste of energy and light sources. Through literature reviewing, three contemporary pop art representatives and their works were analyzed based on the context and skills of artistic expressions, and then this study summarized the characteristics of pop art, and deduced a reference paradigm for creation and interpretation. The method applied digital inkjet printing engineering technology. The created pattern works are presented on the textile wall covering to create an ideal visual effect. The wall shape designed by the textile wall covering presents a unique new look, which can provide a reference for the future indoor light source and room wall decoration design.


adaptive lighting pop art fluorescent wall covering


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Catherine Ingram(2017)。This is 安迪‧沃荷 (李之年譯)。台北市:天培出版社。(原出版年:2014)。
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