  • 學位論文


The Study of Professional Sports Pilgrimage - A Case of Lamigo Monkeys

指導教授 : 石明宗 林伯修




This study focuses on the pilgrimage of Lamigo Monkeys baseball team fans. The author himself is a fan of the Lamigo Monkeys and believes that the atmosphere of the baseball stadium can make pilgrimage characteristics, hoping to prove it through research, which is an important research motivation for this research. Based on this, the purpose of this research is to explore the connotation of the pilgrimage for Lamigo Monkeys fans watch baseball, as well as the connection between its marketing strategy and professional sports pilgrimage. Existing research believes that baseball games also have the characteristics of rites of passage and are also quasi-religious to attract fans to pilgrimages; therefore, the research assumes that Lamigo Monkeys is a “religion” for fans, and uses document analysis and in-depth interviews, participant observation methods to prove it. The results of the study found that Lamigo Monkeys baseball team fans displayed liminality characteristics during the transition phase of the ritual, especially the formation of the “Home of all Monkeys” communitas; secondly, Watching the championship game has a pilgrimage significance to Lamigo fans, which is in line with Turner’s analysis of the liminality characteristics of pilgrims. lastly, Lamigo Monkeys adopts “entertainment” marketing methods to enhance the fans’ ritual experience, while emphasizing “sacred” and “profane” at the same time to attract fans to watch the ball game.


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