  • 學位論文


A Study on Rhetorical Moves and Metadiscourse Strategies of Chinese Cover Letters and Its Pedagogical Applications

指導教授 : 謝佳玲


求職信為求職者夾帶個人履歷與相關應徵資料寄送至招聘單位的信件。在特定的文化背景下,讀者通常對求職信的內容和格式有既定的期望,形成求職信的語體慣例。語步分析為剖析語體的研究工具之一,透過語步分析可釐清言談社群的成員如何逐步實現語體的溝通目標,幫助學習者掌握求職信的寫作規則。此外,應徵者為在信中突顯個人優勢,爭取面試機會,往往會使用一些修辭手段嘗試說服讀者,後設論述分析有助於了解母語者如何利用語言表達自己的觀點,並與讀者進行互動。然而,目前中文求職信的語言學研究較為缺乏,多將其視作應用文討論及教學,因此本文擬分析中文母語者所撰寫的求職信語料,檢視其語步與策略結構,並觀察後設論述標記的使用情形,再將語步分析和後設論述分析的結果進行交叉研究,探尋兩者間的關聯。 本文選取40篇中文求職信範本,經過語步分析歸納出一個含稱呼、表明致信目的、提供適任論據、提及夾帶文件、禮貌結束信件、祝頌語以及署名七個語步的架構,其中除了「提及夾帶文件」與「祝頌語」為可選語步之外,其餘皆為必選語步,而「表明致信目的」、「提供適任論據」、「禮貌結束信件」三個語步可再分出數種策略。在後設論述方面,中文求職信採用的互動式後設論述標記遠多於交互式後設論述標記,顯示應徵者在撰寫求職信時,相較於篇章的組織編排,更注重與讀者的交流。此外,研究也發現語步和後設論述標記之間存在對應關係,每個語步展現出對特定標記的使用偏好。本文最後將研究結果應用於中文求職信的寫作教學設計上,並提出教材範例與教學建議,盼能充實商務華語的內容。


求職信 語體 語步 後設論述 寫作教學


A cover letter is a letter sent by a job seeker to the recruiting department along with his resume and other application materials. Readers usually have established expectations for the content and format of the cover letter in a certain cultural background, forming the generic conventions of the letter. Move analysis is one of the research tools for analyzing genres. It clarifies how discourse members achieve the communication goals of a genre step by step, and supports learners to master the rules of writing cover letters. On the other hand, in order to highlight their strengths and earn the opportunities for interview, applicants often make use of some rhetorical approaches in the letter trying to persuade the readers. In this case, metadiscourse analysis helps to understand how native speakers use language to express their opinions and interact with readers. Nevertheless, there is currently a lack of linguistic researches on Chinese cover letters. Instead, they are mostly regarded as a form of applied writing. The thesis, therefore, intends to analyze the cover letters written by native Chinese speakers, examine their move structure, observe the use of metadiscourse markers, and then compare the results of move analysis and metadiscourse analysis to find out the relationship between the two. The thesis selects 40 Chinese cover letters, through move analysis, coming up with a structure of seven moves including addressing, indicating the purpose, providing evidence, referring to attached documents, closing, greeting, and signing off. Among them, only "referring to attached documents" and "greeting" are optional moves, the rest are all obligatory moves. "Indicating the purpose", "providing evidence" and "closing" also include several strategies. In terms of metadiscourse, Chinese cover letters use more interactional markers than interactive markers, which shows that writers pay more attention to communicating with readers than organizing the discourse while writing a cover letter. In addition, the research also found that there is a relevance between the moves and the metadiscourse markers. Each move shows a preference for specific markers. Lastly, the thesis applies the research results to the pedagogy of Chinese cover letter writing, providing examples of teaching materials and some suggestions, hoping to enrich the content of Business Chinese.


cover letter genre move metadiscourse writing pedagogy


