  • 學位論文


A Study on the Influencing Factors of the Public Service Workers Choosing Telework in the Government Agency

指導教授 : 林弘昌


COVID-19傳染性肺炎讓各地政府、各國企業均紛紛啟動遠距辦公(Telework)。本文透過「解構計畫行為理論」(Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior, DTPB)架構,探討影響公務員選擇遠距辦公之影響因素,進而預測其遠距辦公的使用意圖程度。為達上述研究目的,本研究於2021年4月中旬至5月上旬於網路平台發放「公務員使用遠距辦公之意願調查」問卷,以期研究結果能推論至相關議題上,計有492人接受填答,刪除答題不完整之無效問卷後,計439份有效問卷,有效樣本達89.2%,有效資料透過SPSS與AMOS統計軟體進行分析。研究結果發現感知有用性、上級影響、自我效能、資源便利條件、態度、主觀規範、認知行為控制對公務員選擇遠距辦公之意願具正向顯著結果。希望本研究能夠進一步了解機關同仁對於遠距辦公的感受,提供公務同仁友善職場環境,以期能夠提升行政機關的行政效益,增進國家競爭力。


The COVID-19 contagious pneumonia has caused governments and enterprises in various countries to start telework. In order to explore civil servants' intention of using telework, this paper discusses the influencing factors of their intention to use telecommuting with the "Decomposed Theory of Planned Behavior" (DTPB) model. From mid-April to early May of 2021, the questionnaire titled “Intention to Use Telework of Civil Servants” was distributed online. Overall, a total of 492 questionnaires respond to the study. After deleting incomplete and invalid questionnaires, the study retrieved 439 valid questionnaires, resulting in a return rate of 89.2%. The study applied SPSS and AMOS statistical software to analyze the research data. The research finds that: perceived usefulness, superior influence, self-efficacy, resource convenience, attitude, subjective norm, and perceived behavioral control have positive and significant impact on civil servants' willingness to use telework. It is hoped that this study can further understand civil servants’ feelings on telework and provide a friendly workplace environment for government colleagues to improve the administrative efficiency of public administrative agencies and enhance our national competitiveness.


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