  • 學位論文


Meta-analyzing the Effects of Oral Corrective Feedback in SLA: A Revisit

指導教授 : 朱錫琴


儘管數十年來關於錯誤訂正的研究顯示出各種不同觀點,口語修正性回饋之成效仍未有定論。本研究藉由統合口語修正性回饋之實證研究,以檢測口語修正性回饋對於第二語言習得者發展之成效,並探討學習者特徵、研究設計以及口語修正性回饋相關變數等統計變項與其成效之相關性。本研究收集共計四十一篇發表於1988年至2018年間之初級研究,並整合分析了兩百零四個效果量。隨機效應模式分析結果顯示,口語修正性回饋對於第二語言習得發展影響達輕度至中度效果(g = 0.662),並證實了研究變項間存在異質性(


Over decades, as researchers have proposed different views on error corrections, the effectiveness of oral corrective feedback (OCF) has still remained indeterminate. The present study synthesizes existing empirical OCF studies to examine the effectiveness of OCF on learner's L2 development. Further, several moderating effects which include learner characteristics, research design, and variables in OCF were involved in the study as well. A total of 41 primary studies published between 1988 and 2018 were collected, and 204 effect sizes were meta-analyzed. Results from random-effects models revealed a small-to-medium effect (g = 0.662) and established the presence of true heterogeneity (


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