  • 學位論文


Exploring Professionals' Experiences in Collaboration in an Inclusive Pre-school Setting:A Case Study

指導教授 : 邱春瑜


本研究旨在探討學前融合教育中專業團隊成員運用合作諮詢的互動經驗。雖已有文獻分別探討學前巡輔教師、學校系統相關專業人員或與班級教師間合作諮詢的經驗,但較少有文獻以一個教育單位的合作諮詢經驗為研究對象,深入探討多方成員互動之面向與實例。故本研究採個案研究方式,以幸福幼兒園學前融合教育情境為例,透過半結構式深入訪談方式,探討專業團隊在實務現場運用合作諮詢的互動經驗,受訪者包含學前巡輔教師、班級教師、學校系統相關專業人員與幼兒園行政人員。其研究結果如下: 一、幸福幼兒園合作諮詢歷程為穩定、非線性的動態歷程,分別為嫁接期、成長茁壯期與收穫期;其中隨著歷程演進,團隊成員會因應情境轉換不同的角色任務。 二、幸福幼兒園合作諮詢歷程曾遇到跨階段的內外在困境,目前處於穩定的收穫期,面對困境皆找到相對應策略或轉化為有利因素,對困境觀點則多集中在嫁接期與成長茁壯期。 三、幸福幼兒園專業團隊因應困境產生對應策略,釋放彼此角色與專業知能,搭配行政資源支持,將教學策略融入日常情境,更能針對困擾提供適當策略。 依據研究結果,研究者提出實務上與未來研究建議。在實務上,充足的行政支持資源和長久的穩定合作等,更能與幼兒園建立穩定的團隊合作諮詢基礎;在未來研究上,可搭配實務教師案例分享提升專業知能或搭配觀察法,實際觀察與呈現教學現場彼此合作諮詢樣貌、影響合作諮詢形成的背景因素與穩定因素改變,可以再進一步探討。


The purpose of this study is to examine the interaction of interdisciplinary team members using collaborative consultation in an inclusive pre-school setting. Past literature on collaborative consultation among pre-school paraprofessionals focused on individual team members, but research examing experiences on a unit level remained scent. In this study, the researcher used semi-structured in-depth interviews to examine experiences members of the interdisciplinary team from the field in collaborative consultation. The results of the study are as follows: A. The Happiness Kindergarten 's collaborative consultation was dynamic, non-linear and a stable process, including the blooming phase, the growth phase and the harvest phase. Roles of each team member evolved along with the process and changed according to situations. B. During the phase, team members encountered internal and external challenges. But because they were already in the harvest phase, they view challenges with a move positive outlook. C. The Happiness Kindergarten 's team developed strategies in response to difficult situations by releasing each other's roles, by exchanging professional knowledge, and by cooperating with administrative supports. The member contextualized strategies into daily situations, so that they can provide appropriate responsive strategies. Based on the results of the study, the researcher made practical and future research recommendations. In terms of practice, sufficient administrative support resources and long-term cooperation can help establishing a stable foundation for collaborative consultation. In terms of future research, case studies can be helpful for teachers to enhance their professional knowledge. Researchers should observe how team members interact with each other in the field, and further explore background and externed factors that affect the formation of collaborative consultation.


