  • 學位論文


Discussing the Treatment and Position of Honorable Taiyuan Yuanmou Statesmen in Tang Dynasty

指導教授 : 陳登武


李淵(566-635,在位618-626)起於太原,一百七十四天佔領京師,至稱帝僅用三百五十七天。唐朝開國之速,除了李淵以外,勢必包含元從功臣,其中又以十六位傑出者,在武德元年(618)被封為太原元謀勲效。 具有開國大功的太原元謀勲效,生前在武德、貞觀兩朝,除了官爵之榮以外,也在政治、經濟、律法、軍事上多有突破,歷任兩朝而不衰。在亡故後,又被唐朝歷任君主所尊崇,終唐一朝,君主都在訪查、加官太原元謀勲效的子嗣。太原元謀勲效在身前的成就與貢獻,除了奠定唐朝開國風氣,也可以說,太原元謀勲效在唐朝開國史中,扮演重要的角色,以致唐朝歷任君主對其緬懷與尊崇。 本文除了結論外,在緒章先分析以往對於初唐人物研究的三個切入點:關隴集團、太原本位、黨派。三者視角下,對於初唐人物研究有相當的成果,不過,卻分割了初唐功臣的個別屬性,淪為分類的困境中。又因史料偏重問題,導致關注焦點僅在裴寂與劉文靜,卻忽略了其他開國功臣。因此,本文旨在探究唐朝開國功臣中,傑出的十六位太原元謀勲效個別屬性。 因而,第二章論及太原元謀勲效在開國的個別表現,作為李淵在武德元年(618)迅速頒布〈褒勲臣詔〉,奠定此十六位特別地位的背景。第三章則因李世民發動玄武門之變,初唐政治掀起巨大的波瀾。探討在新、舊皇帝政權的迅速轉變下,太原元謀勲效在官職、政治、表現、封賞等的變化情形。由此理出太原元謀勲效在生前歷經武德、貞觀兩朝的種種表現。 第四章則是針對太原元謀勲效在死後對唐朝歷任君主的影響,從追贈、諡號、陪葬、配饗等面向切入,以考察歷任君主對於太原元謀勲效的追思與緬懷。除此之外,再追查太原元謀勲效的子嗣發展,整理太原元謀勲效對於子嗣的庇蔭程度。另一方面,也探求其子嗣在隨後的政治事件中,有何具體的政治表現。 本文從太原元謀勲效十六人的角度著手,有別於以往只著重裴寂、劉文靜二人,而忽略其他十四人的成果。透過十六人在生前對初唐政治的種種表現,以及死後,唐朝歷代君主對此群體的態度,試圖分析初唐開國功臣的表現與地位,另一方面,也還原唐代歷任君主對於太原元謀勲效的緬懷與尊崇。初唐史受到李世民玄武門之變的影響,而顯得晦澀難懂。經過多年研究,方能逐步釐清李淵的功蹟。然而,開國大事絕非一人可完事,身旁的功臣更是開國史不可或缺的元素。


Li Yuan (566-635; ruled from 618-626) originated in Taiyuan. He spent 174 days to occupy the capital, and it only took him 357 days to be enthroned as the emperor. The foundation of Tang Dynasty could be so fast, besides Li Yuan himself, all thanks to his comrades, among whom the most excellent 16 persons were merited as the Honorable Taiyuan Yuanmou Statesmen in the first year of Wude (618 C.E.) In their life during Wude and Zenguan periods, the Honorable Taiyuan Yuanmou Statesmen had many breakthroughs in terms of politics, economy, law, and military, aside from their bureaucratic honor. Even after their deceases, many Tang emperors also respected them, and they always sought to visit or promote their descendants throughout their reign. The achievements and contributions of these statesmen set the foundation of political climate of Tang Dynasty, playing roles so important in founding the country that the monarchs could only have endless memoriam and reverence. Before the conclusion, the first chapter of this article analyzes the three elements that previous researchers focus on when studying the figures in the early days of Tang: the Guanlong Group, Taiyuan Regionalism, and Political Factions. With these elements, numerous results of studying the figures in early days of Tang are significant, but they divide the individual attributions of the statesmen, leading to a predicament as a result of classification. Also, the emphasis on Pei Ji and Liu Wenjing means that other honorable statesmen that were credited in founding the country are ignored. Therefore, this article aims to explore the individual attributions of all 16 Honorable Taiyuan Yuanmou Statesmen that played a part in founding Tang Dynasty. The second chapter discusses the personal performance of the statesmen, which was the background of why Li Yuan quickly pronounced the Imperial Edict of the Merits that put the 16 statesmen in such a special place. The third chapter describes the event of Xuanwu Gate Incident initiated by Li Shimin, which caused great turmoil to the political situation in early Tang Dynasty. It explores the changes of Honorable Taiyuan Yuanmou Statesmen in terms of official position, politics, performance, and rewards during the swift transition between the old and new regimes. By comparing them, we can clearly see what these statesmen did in Wude and Zenguan periods. The fourth chapter explains the impact of the statemen’s death to the subsequent monarchs in Tang Dynasty. This chapter starts from the perspective of posthumous promotion, posthumous name, accompanied burial, and accompanied worship in order to investigate how succeeding monarchs memorized them. In addition, the development of descendants of these statesmen was also checked to see how they benefit their successors; the researcher also sought to understand these descendants’ political performance in subsequent events. This article illustrates all of the 16 Honorable Taiyuan Yuanmou Statesmen, different from previous studies that focus only on Pei Ji and Liu Wenjing and ignored the other 14 statesmen. By seeing their political performance in the early days of Tang Dynasty in their life as well as the attitudes of Tang emperors to them after decease, the article tries to analyze their achievements and positions and to give authentic opinions of how the emperors memorized and respected them. The history of Tang Dynasty in earlier period became vague and incomprehensible due to the Xuanwu Gate Incident initiated by Li Shimin. After years of studies, researchers can gradually see the achievements of Li Yuan; however, a nation is ever founded by one single person, and Li Yuan’s companions played huge parts in his doings.


