  • 學位論文


Realization of a Magical Role in a Magical Realistic Novel- Take "The Man with Compound Eyes" as an Example

指導教授 : 王千睿




"Magical Realism" originated from some way of thinking in the brain, has become countless dream-like illusions and imaginary universes within the scope of human eyes through painting, literature, film and television, and even various types of artistic creation or commercial carriers. From 2020 to 2021, when the thesis began, I was recruited by the National Taichung Theater and participated in the behind-the-scenes work of the performance of Mr. Wu Ming-Yi's novel work "The Man with Compound Eyes". The novel coronavirus pneumonia (COVID-19) is raging all over the world, and its research background is just like the constraints of human beings and nature in the text "The Man with Compound Eyes", which is a reminder of the world's Magical Realism. Through literature research, "Magical Realism" will be briefly described. Starting from the theory of painting revolution since Impressionism, and Latin American literature, which has influenced the whole world to set the tone of magical realism, the most admired masterpiece, "One Hundred Years of Solitude" by Mr. Gabriel García Márquez, complements it. In terms of the corresponding dramas, the researcher analyzed the nature of their magical realism by taking the album "The Magician on the Skywalk" and the musical "The Phantom of the Opera". In addition, the Austronesian culture, Taiwanese folklore, or country legends covered in the novels of "The Man with the Compound Eyes" will also be analyzed in detail in the literature review. Next, in terms of research methods, the most magical role "Atile'i" in "The Man with Compound Eyes" was designed based on the concept of "Magical Realism". Based on some anecdotes and information in the history, that is, using the realistic material as a medium to assist to transform "Atile'i" from magic words or drama play into reality which can be seen or touched. Therefore, it is the proposition of this paper - "Realization of a Magical Role in a Magical Realistic Novel". In the process of shaping the texture and color of "Atile'i", the original "Curve Creation System" of this thesis is integrated. In the last chapter, the researcher not only made a final review and feedback by reflecting on film and television theater, land atmosphere, humanistic temperament, text spirit, and so on, but reiterated the connection with these retrospectives in the creation system of this paper to make the conclusion of this paper and advice to relevant practitioners.


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