  • 學位論文


Technology-Assisted Training Facilities and Equipment for Table Tennis Basic Skills

指導教授 : 李晶


隨著新興科技不斷進步,許多球員在進行技術訓練的過程中結合科技的輔助,便能達到良好的訓練效果,因此,本研究目的為瞭解基層桌球訓練場地之選手、教練與場地管理者,對於科技輔助訓練桌球基本技術之訓練設施及設備指標的觀點,並探討其指標建構的優先性。本研究之研究方法透過「內容分析法」建構科技輔助訓練桌球基本技術之訓練設施及設備的指標與層次,並運用「層級分析法」(Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP)針對在臺灣具經驗且符合相關條件的 3 位基層選手、3 位基層教練與 3 位場地管理者進行半結構式訪談。研究結果顯示,基層選手最為重視科技輔助桌球基本技術訓練指標,而教練與場地管理者最為重視桌球基本技術訓練空間指標。整體而言,三種角色最重視的指標為桌球基本技術訓練空間,其次為訓練場地附屬設施及設備。本研究可作為相關從業者在建立科技輔助桌球基本技術訓練場地的參考依據,以提升場地規格與訓練品質,改善基層訓練環境。


Since the advancement of technology, athletes applied technology-assisted tools to achieve high-quality training results. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to conduct an index of technology-assisted training for table tennis basic skills. Moreover, the study discussed the priority of the indicators in the index from players, coaches, and field managers’ perspectives. The content analysis was applied to construct the index of technology-assisted training for table tennis basic skills. In addition, the study used the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to understand the priority of the index. The decision-making group was composed of 3 players, 3 coaches, and 3 field managers. The results of the study are (A) Players valued the skill indicator the most; (B) Coaches and field managers valued the space indicator the most; (C) Overall, the priority of the indicator is training space, and the secondary is the ancillary facilities and equipment. In conclusion, the findings can be basic for related practitioners to build the training fields; in addition, the findings can improve the primary training environments and enhance the training quality


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