  • 學位論文


A Study on the Perspectives of the Preschool Educators of Basic Evaluation Implemented at the Public Preschool in Taoyuan City

指導教授 : 鄭淑惠


本研究旨在瞭解桃園市公立教保服務人員對幼兒園基礎評鑑觀點與不同背景變項之教保服務人員對基礎評鑑看法之差異,採問卷調查的方式,針對桃園市公立幼兒園之教保服務人員進行問卷調查,以研究者自編的「桃園市公立教保服務人員對幼兒園基礎評鑑觀點之研究調查問卷」為研究工具,研究對象218所桃園市公立幼兒園之教保服務人員,共發出400份問卷,有效樣本為378份。問卷調查所得資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本T檢定與單因子變異數分析等統計方法 進行數據資料分析與處理。 本研究结果如下: 壹、 桃園市幼兒園之教保服務人員對實施基礎評鑑觀點,在效用性、可行性、適切性、精確性及遭遇困境的向度中皆具有「中高度」的符合程度。 貳、 不同年齡之教保服務人員對基礎評鑑的觀點在效用性、可行性、適切性、精確性、曾遭遇之困境向度中具顯著性。 參、 不同教育程度之教保服務人員對基礎評鑑的觀點在效用性、精確性、曾遭遇之困境向度中具顯著性。 肆、 不同職務之教保服務人員對基礎評鑑的觀點在效用性、精確性的觀點具顯著性。 伍、 不同服務年資之教保服務人員對基礎評鑑的觀點在各向度皆具顯著差異。 陸、 不同幼兒園類型之教保服務人員對基礎評鑑觀點於效用性及精確性中看法上達顯著差異。 柒、 不同幼兒園班級數之教保服務人員對幼兒園基礎評鑑之觀點各向度皆未達顯著差異。 關鍵詞:幼兒園、基礎評鑑、後設評鑑、桃園市


This study examined t he Perspectives of the Preschool Educators of Basic Evaluation Implemented at the Public Preschool in Taoyuan City as well as the difference between kindergarten teachers and caregivers with different backgrounds regarding their viewpoints on the basic evaluation. This study employed questionnaire survey technique, using the “Research of the Meta-Evaluation for the Kindergarten Basic Evaluation in Taoyuan City” prepared by the author to survey 218 Preschool at the Public Preschool in Taoyuan Cityand caregivers who took part in kindergarten basic evaluatio.400questionnaires were distributed and 378samples were acquired from the respondents. Data was analyzed using various statistical methods such as descriptive statistics and t-tests, ANOVA. Conclusions are summarized as follows: 1. The kindergarten teachers and caregivers in their viewpoints on the utility and feasibility, propriety and accuracy and difficulties encountered of the meta-evaluation in Taoyaun City exhibited a high-to-medium level of conformity to the implementation of basic evaluation. 2. The teachers and caregivers with different job tenures employed exhibited a significant differenceon all dimensions of the meta-evaluation. 3. The teachers and caregivers employed by the kindergartens with different natures qualifications exhibited a significant difference in their viewpoints on the utility and accuracy and of the meta-evaluation. 4. The teachers and caregivers with different sizes of kindergartens maintained same viewpoints on all dimensions of the meta-evaluation. Keywords:kindergarten, basic evaluation, meta-evaluation, Taoyuan City


壹、 中文部分
江麗莉(2002)。臺北縣幼稚園輔導評鑑方案。幼教資訊月刊,136, 15-23。
