  • 學位論文


The Influence of Work Stress on Career Decision-Making of Students in Vocational High School Cooperative Education Program: The Mediating Effect of Career Self-Efficacy

指導教授 : 賴志樫 林坤誼


本研究旨在探討技術型高中建教合作班學生對於校外實習場域中所感受的工作壓力、生涯自我效能與生涯決定之關係,並以生涯自我效能為中介變項,找出三構面相互之關係。本研究採用問卷調查法,以「工作壓力量表」、「生涯自我效能量表」以及「生涯決定量表」為研究工具。本研究以立意取樣方式,選定新北市3所技術型高中建教合作班學生作為研究對象、實施調查。共計發出431份,回收392份,有效問卷共342份,有效回收率90%。蒐集之資料以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、皮爾森積差相關分析以及階層迴歸分析等方法進行統計分析。根據研究結果歸納如下:(1)建教生之工作壓力對生涯自我效能具顯著負向關係。(2)建教生之工作壓力對生涯決定具顯著負向關係。(3)建教生之生涯自我效能對生涯決定具顯著正向關係。(4)建教生之生涯自我效能在工作壓力與生涯決定間具部分中介效果。最後根據研究結果提出相關建議,以提供學校、合作機構及教育相關單位參考,並能有助於未來建教合作的規劃與辦理。 關鍵詞:建教合作、工作壓力、生涯自我效能、生涯決定


The purpose of this study is to explore the relationship among work stress, career-self-efficacy and career decision-making of cooperative education students. This research method adopted the questionnaire survey and used “job stress scale”, “career self-efficacy scale” and “career decision-making scale” as measurement tools. The research objects of this study were cooperative education students of three private vocational high schools in New Taipei city. A total of 431 questionnaires were distributed, 392 were returned, and of which 342 were valid, and valid rate was 90%. The statistical methods including descriptive statistics analysis, independent samples t tests, one-way analysis of variance, the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and regression analysis. The results of this study were showed as follows: (1) It was significantly negative correlation between work stress and career self-efficacy of the cooperative education students. (2) It was significantly negative correlation between work stress and career decision-making of the cooperative education students. (3) It was significantly positive correlation between career self-efficacy and career self-efficacy of the cooperative education students. (4) Career self-efficacy mediated the relationship between work stress and career decision-making of cooperative education students. To sum up, several suggestions were proposed to serve as a reference for educators, enterprise and future researchers. Keywords: cooperative education work stress career self-efficacy career decision-making


