  • 學位論文


Commercial Benefit Analysis of Cable TV Broadcasting of Large Sports Games -Take the 2020 Tokyo Olympics as an example

指導教授 : 李恆儒 李建興




This study analyzed the commercial benefits of cable television broadcasting the mega-events. From the impacts of the digital age and the global outbreak of covid-19, the 2020 Tokyo Olympics have been postponed for a year, which has led to a severe recession in the world economy. However, a cable TV media group in Taiwan reversely invested high royalties to broadcast and attract investment. The case study includes collecting the audience rating table during the broadcast and observing its scheduling strategy; and interviewing three core key figures of the group with more than 30 years of TV experience to understand their decision-making process and actual commercial benefits. The conclusions are as follows: 1. Media operators can accurately grasp the dynamics of the competition and make flexible layouts. The results after broadcasting are equalizing royalties, embracing profits, and enhancing brand image. 2. The commercial benefits of cable TV broadcasting mega event are based on the popularity of the games. The performance of Taiwanese players, and the time difference between the host country and the broadcasting country. Big data can effectively grasp the consumption behavior of people's viewing. There are no free live broadcast platforms such as YouTube. Most Taiwanese have already accepted "user payment" while watching international large-scale sports events. From traditional old TV stations to new online media, Taiwan broadcasts the Olympic Games Experience the Great Leap Forward.


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