  • 學位論文

毛孩敘事- 陳錦秀繪畫創作研究

The Narrative of Fur Kids - A Study of Chin Hsiu Chen's Art Creations

指導教授 : 朱友意


本論文以《毛孩敘事》為繪畫創作研究主題,主要研究主軸是以筆者自身收養流浪貓狗的經驗為主,以敘事說故事的方式進行毛孩繪畫創作與論述的研究,期望藝術創作與論述,可以達到藝術溝通,以增進動物及環境的保護。 創作思維以藝術學者前輩之相關毛孩的敘事藝術內涵,及敘事繪畫創作分析為啟發,並整合創作研究的動機與目的。創作研究分為三個系列:「一、流浪與歸屬,二、陪伴春夏秋冬,三、寵愛一生。」其系列內容:「從遇見流浪貓狗到流浪終結的故事,接著述說春夏秋冬有毛孩陪伴的日子,最後,述說在與毛孩相處的日子,如何學習寬容並寵愛毛孩直至終老。」敘事系列畫作共有十七幅,研究創作的實踐以敘事為創作表現方式,繪畫創作媒材以油彩畫布與壓克力為主,繪畫表現技法以直接或間接畫法,部分創作結合植物拓印法。 筆者收養流浪貓狗後,體悟到老子的智慧之言:「既以為人,己愈有,既以與人,己愈多。」集中收容貓狗的管理,讓人類與貓狗失去溝通的機會。《毛孩敘事》之創作與論述,除了分享筆者收養毛孩的經歷過程與感悟外,更希望能夠藉由創作與論述,讓藝術創作的功能可以改善人與貓狗之間的溝通,對流浪動物的收養及環境的保護,提供一些思考與幫助。


毛孩 陪伴 寬容 拓印 敘事


The research subject of this thesis is the narrative of fur kids, which is based on the author's own experience of adopting stray cats and dogs. The main focus of the research is to use the narrative storytelling approach to study the creation and exposition of fur kids, and hopefully, it can reach the goal of art communication to increase the protection of animals and the environment. The creative thinking is inspired by the narrative art connotation and painting creation of the fur kids by the art predecessors, integrated by the motivation and purpose of the creative research. The creative research is divided into three series: "First, wandering and belonging; Second, the companionship in 4 seasons; Third, loving for a lifetime. The series includes: " the story from meeting a stray dog or cat to the end of straying, followed by the accompanying with fur kids in 4 seasons, and finally, learn how to tolerate and to love fur kids for their lifetime. There are 17 artworks of the narrative painting series, and the media of the creative paintings are mainly used by oil on canvas and acrylic, and the painting techniques are both direct and indirect, with some of the paintings incorporating botanical rubbing. After adopting stray cats and dogs, the author realized the wisdom of Lao Tzu: "If you consider of others all the time, you will make yourself abundant. The more you give, the more you receive in return.” The management of animal shelters will not give the chance for human beings to communicate with cats and dogs. Therefore, the creation and narrative of this thesis is not only to share the author’s experience of adopting fur kids, but also wish to improve the communication between human beings and cats/dogs. Hopefully, it will give people more thinking and assistance in adopting stray animals and protecting of the environment.


fur kids rubbing narrative companionship tolerance


