  • 學位論文


Influence of sports psychological skills training on shooting performance and sports psychological skills of police freshmen

指導教授 : 洪聰敏


緒論:運動心理技能訓練已經被證實運用於運動員有良好的成效,而另一種活躍於不同場景的族群-戰術運動員,如軍、警、消、海巡等特別單位,同樣需要於特定情境發揮良好表現。相較於針對競技運動員之豐碩研究成果,目前對於戰術運動員之心理技能探討並不豐富,且皆非台灣本土文獻;,運動心理技能是否能應用於我國之戰術單位,亦有待實證性研究探討。本研究旨在驗證運動心理技能訓練對警察特勤新生能否有效提升其運動心理技能以及手槍、步槍射擊成績。方法:以組別為自變項 (X年維安特勤培訓隊第1階段受訓學員作為實驗組,實施心理技能訓練,實驗組共24名;以X+1年維安特勤培訓隊第1階段受訓學員作為控制組,無實施心理技能訓練,控制組共20名),手、步槍之射擊成績前測、渥太華心理量表分數前測作為共變項,其後測為依變項;進行單因子共變數分析。顯著水準定為α=.05。結果:經單因子共變數分析檢定,渥太華心理技能量表在排除前測的影響後,實驗組與控制組兩組之間有顯著差異存在 F (1,41) = 5.43,p < .05;手槍射擊成績在排除前測的影響後,實驗組與控制組兩組之間沒有顯著差異存在;步槍射擊成績在排除前測的影響後,實驗組與控制組兩組之間沒有顯著差異存在。結論:本研究顯示運動心理技能訓練介入對實驗組、控制組射擊成績 (能力) 並無顯著差異,但對於運動心理技能有顯著提升,針對其他任務型態各異的戰術運動員 (軍、警、消、海巡),穩定的心理技能也是戰術運動員所必需的,心態與韌性是達成任務的關鍵,建議相關實務訓練單位可以參考並予以應用。


警察 射擊 運動心理技能 壓力


Introduction: Sports psychology skills have been proven to be effective in athletes, and tactical athletes also need to perform well in specific situations. The purpose of this study is to verify whether the training of sports psychological skills can effectively improve the sports psychological skills、pistol and rifle shooting performance of freshmen in police special services. Method: Taking the group as the independent variable (experimental group, n = 24, control group, n = 20). The pre-test of pistol and rifle shooting scores and the pre-test of Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool scores were used as covariates, and the subsequent tests were used as dependent variables; analysis of one-way ANCOVA was carried out. The level of significance was set at α = .05. Results: After excluding the influence of the pre-test, there were significant differences between the experimental group and the control group in the Ottawa Mental Skills Assessment Tool scores, F (1,41) = 5.43, p < .05. There was no significant difference between the experimental group and the control group in the pistol and rifle shooting score. Conclusion: This study shows that the sports psychological skills training intervention has no effect on the shooting performance, but it can significantly improve the sports psychological skills. As stable psychological skills are also necessary for tactical athletes. Mentality and toughness are the keys to achieving the task. It is recommended that relevant practical training units can refer to and apply them.


police shooting sports mental skills stress


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