  • 學位論文

北台灣青少年自覺壓力與手機成癮之關係: 以憂鬱情緒作為中介因子

The relationship between perceived stress and smartphone addiction among adolescents in northern Taiwan: Depressed mood as a mediator

指導教授 : 吳文琪




Objectives: This study aims to understand the relationship between perceived stress and succeeding smartphone addiction among adolescents in northern Taiwan., and to investigate whether the level of depressed mood has a mediating effect between perceived stress and smartphone addiction. Methods: The data came from a longitudinal study that followed 7th and 10th graders in New Taipei City and Taoyuan City for three semesters. A total of 762 students participated in the three waves of surveys and provided complete data. The PROCESS module was conducted to examine the mediation effect. Results: The first-wave perceived stress was directly and positively correlated with the third-wave smartphone addiction. After controlling the first-wave smartphone addiction and background factors, the second-wave depressed mood partially mediated between the first-wave perceived stress and the third-wave smartphone addiction. Students who perceive more stress will be more likely to have a higher depressed mood at the next time point, which can significantly lead to a higher degree of smartphone addiction in the third wave. Conclusions: Adolescents' perceived stress can lead to depressed mood and increase smartphone addiction. It is suggested that when developing strategies to prevent smartphone addiction in adolescents, their levels of perceived stress and depressed mood should be considered.


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