  • 學位論文


A study of dismantle work of interior decoration project

指導教授 : 吳昭慧


目前國內諸多室內裝修之研究,都著重於如何將室內裝修業導入電子化、經營與管理、防火安全之研究、工法與材料之設計與應用、相關法令規章之探討或衍生的糾紛之探討,卻鮮少針對室內裝修不良可能導致之災害及糾紛進行探討。 室內裝修災害及糾紛之發生往往會造成當事人金錢上與精神上之損失,嚴重者可能會造成人命之損傷。其中,拆除工程因其為裝修的前置作業,往往因未受到重視,而導致工程糾紛、或處置不當造成管線阻塞,更甚者因施工的不當而有傷亡出現。 本研究基於上述原因,採文獻蒐集與歸納法、案例分析法及專家資料蒐集法,以便歸納出室內裝修拆除工程作業要項,藉此補足現行法令規章未規範之處,以期減少室內裝修災害與糾紛之發生。


Most of the domestic studies regarding interior decoration research are focused on how to introduce the interior decoration industry towards electronic, operation and management, fire safety, design and application of construction methods and materials, and discussion of laws and regulations or derivative disputes. However, few studies have discussed potential accidents and disputes caused by poor interior decoration. The occurrence of accidents and disputes by interior decoration often results to financial loss and emotional distress to the involved party, which may even cause injuries and casualties if the situation was serious. Among them, construction disputes sometimes happen because the preparations in demolition operations usually do not receive attention. Otherwise, improper disposal may cause pipeline blockage. Even worse, casualties may occur due to improper construction. Based on the above reasons, the study applied literature review, induction, case study and expert interview to summarize the operation directions for interior decoration and demolition. It is hoped that this study may complement the current laws and regulations for reducing accidents and disputes among interior decoration.


友利環保有限公司,http://www.tc-youli.com.tw/product-detail-49158.html 2011/07/19
中國製造網,http://big5.made-in-china.com 2011.07.18
中國室內環境網,地震災害敲響家庭裝修防震抗震安全警鐘,http://www.cietc.com/news/87-5-805.html 2011.07.18
