  • 學位論文


The Study of Sociseconomic Status and Life Habit for Children of Elementary School

指導教授 : 葉寶文


近幾十年來台灣經濟蓬勃發展,人民生活水準普遍提高,家戶所得明顯提升,然而所得提升卻也著實改變家庭生活習慣與型態,受到影響甚鉅的莫過於學齡中兒童,由於學童的日常一切生活與習慣受限於自身家庭,往往自己無自主能力,必須仰賴父母或長輩的照護與供給。由過往的文獻和資料顯示,家庭生活或習慣一旦隨著父母或長輩變動,學童的生活與習慣勢必受到牽連,使得學童在諸多健康表徵上顯現的便秘、肥胖、蛀牙和近視等健康狀況,從歷年的公共衛生統計資料中,屢屢警示著國人要多加注意國小學童的健康水準已不若過往,甚至有逐年惡化的趨勢。 本研究目的在於嘗試建構一模型,藉以探討家庭社經水準與國小學童生活習慣二者之間的關係,進而對學童健康狀況的影響為何。本研究資料採用2001~2002年針對台灣地區國小學童營養狀況調查之 NAHSIT II 資料庫,利用Rosenzweig and Schultz(1983)兩階段的健康生產函數模型進行實證分析與討論。本研究預期,家庭社經地位水準高,國小學童生活習慣較能受到控制,其健康狀況的表現較佳,反之則健康狀況較差。此外,亦希冀本研究結果能為本國教育相關單位提供一個改善與培養學童生活作息與習慣之參考依據。


In Taiwan, it was booming economy, living standards increasing and household income improving significantly in recent decades. However, habits and patterns of family is changing by income increasing. Especially, it is huge impact for school children. The daily life and habits for school children are constrained by their family. And school children have to rely on care and feeding from their parents or elders because they have no ability to take care of themselves. Literature and information have shown that children’s life and habits will be impacted when their parents’ or elders’ life and habits were changing. These will lead to school children shown constipation, obesity, tooth decay and myopia on children’s health situation. It is warning to pay more attention to the health standards of school children because children’s health situation is not as good as before, even worse year by year. The purpose is to try to construct a model to explore the relationship between family socioeconomic level and the school children’s living habits, and then to analyze what the factors are on children’s health status. This study uses the database of Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT II) from 2001 to 2002 for elementary school children investigation of Taiwan. And it employs Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) from Rosenzweig and Schultz (1983) to construct the model of health production function for proceeding the empirical analysis and discussion. This study is expected that the higher level of household economic status, primary school students living habits more able to be controlled and the performance of their health better. In addition, the results of this study are also hoping to improve and provide a culture and lifestyle habits of school children reference for our education units.


(1) 王仁勳(2010),「代間社經地位對健康與衛生行為之影響」,亞洲大學健康產業管理學系碩士論文。
(2) 尹祚芊(2002),「學校衛生護理」,台灣醫學,4(2),215-222。
(3) 「台灣地區主要死因分析」,民國101年,衛生福利部統計處, http://www.mohw.gov.tw/cht/DOS/Statistic.aspx?f_list_no=312&fod_list_no=2747,2015年7月10日。
(4) 「台灣地區醫療保健支出」,民國102年,衛生福利部統計處,http://www.mohw.gov.tw/cht/DOS/Statistic.aspx?f_list_no=312&fod_list_no=5351,2015年7月10日。
