  • 學位論文


The Study of Family Socioeconomic Status,Grandparents Rearing and Health Knowledge for Children in Elementary School

指導教授 : 葉寶文


健康的兒童是社會的財富,然而台灣地區近年來兒童營養過剩所造成的體重過重、肥胖症有逐漸升高與嚴重化的趨勢。行政院衛生署在2001-2002年台灣地區國小學童營養健康狀況變遷調查結果發現,我國學童的飲食習慣並不理想,不但熱量攝取高於建議量,更有蛋白質及油脂攝取太多、在醣類及膳食纖維攝取上卻不足、鈣質及鐵質攝取量未達到建議量,學童不良的飲食習慣還包括:偏食、常吃零食、含糖飲量攝取過多等,學童的飲食營養健康問題已不容忽視。兒童期正是飲食習慣建立的最佳時期,飲食行為形成受到許多因素影響,從兒童期開始健康的飲食知能與習慣最初都是來自自身家庭的影響;家庭社經水準的高低、以及隔代教養的影響之下,對於兒童健康知能有顯著的差異性,而且對於兒童的真實健康狀況表現有絕對的影響。本研究目的在於探討國小學童的家庭社經水準、隔代教養對其健康知能的相關性,進而對學童健康狀況之影響,進行實證分析與探討。本研究資料採用2001-2002年針對台灣地區國小學童營養狀況調查之 NAHSIT II資料庫,及利用兩階段最小平方模型(two–stage least squares for panel data)進行實證分析。期望本研究之結果能為本國教育相關單位提供一個改善與培養學童健康知能之參考依據。


Healthy children are the wealth of society. However, excess nutrients leads Taiwan children are overweight in recent years, and children obesity is gradually increased and more and more seriously. According to the investigation of Elementary School Children’s Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan 2001-2002 by Ministry of Health found that our children's eating habits is not ideal, not only caloric intake higher than the recommended amount, but also more protein and fat intake too much on carbohydrates. However dietary fiber intake was insufficient, calcium and iron intake does not meet the recommended amount for children. School children poor eating habits include: a partial eclipse, eat snacks, such as excessive intake of sugary drinks, and so on. It can be seen school children's nutrition health problem can not be ignored any more. Childhood is the best period to establish diet habits and behavior which are formed and influenced by many factors. The influences of children’s diet perceptions and habits are always and originally from their own families. There are significant differences and absolute influences about children’s health perceptions under the socio-economic level of the family level, as well as the impact of grandparents. The purpose of this study aims to investigate the relationship of influences for school children health status between family socioeconomic level and Grandparents or not. This study uses the database of Nutrition and Health Survey in Taiwan (NAHSIT II) from 2001 to 2002 for elementary school children investigation of Taiwan. And it employs Two-Stage Least Squares (2SLS) from Rosenzweig and Schultz (1983) to construct the model of health production function for proceeding the empirical analysis and discussion. The results of this study are also hoping to improve and provide a reference about training up children’s perception of health for our education units.


(1) 「十五至六十四歲已婚女性之目前就業狀況」 ,行政院主計處,民國一百零三年, http://www.dgbas.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=11661&CtNode=3304,2015年6月28日。
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(3) 王秀紅,「婦女健康促進行及其相關因素的探討」,公共衛生,第十九卷第三期, 258~265頁,民國八十一年。
(4) 王春美,「從家庭結構的改變談祖孫家庭」,南縣國教,第二期,116~120頁,民國八十九年。
