  • 學位論文


A Case Study on Family Parenting Style and Behavior Deviation of High-grades Students from Elementary School

指導教授 : 沈群英


許多研究均指出學童家庭教養方式與其偏差行為有顯著關係。本研究為深入了解國小高年級學童家庭教養方式與其偏差行為的關係,採用質性研究中的個案研究方法,透過長期參與觀察、與個案家長以及個案教師們深度訪談等方式,探討某一偏差行為的國小個案學生,其家庭教養方式與其偏差行為間之相關情形。 從134次個案學生的行為表現觀察記錄得知,個案學生共出現264次行為偏差,行為偏差中說謊、偷竊、上課愛說話、不按時交作業、上課不專心、跟同學爭吵與跟師長頂嘴出現次數分別為19(7.2%)、8(3.0%)、97(36.7%)、41(15.5%)、50(18.9%)、33(12.5%)、16(6.1%)次;行為偏差則以上課愛說話97(36.7%)次為最多;從與個案學生奶奶及教師的深度訪談中發現,奶奶對個案學生正向行為與負向行為表現分別為13次(18.3%)及58次(81.7%),奶奶對於個案學生行為偏差之管教方式以寵溺、責罵居多,且力不從心;個案低、中年級導師及英語老師均認為個案學生的行為偏差次數非常頻繁且嚴重;在本研究後期因取得個案家長的信任後,學生的行為偏差改變情形亦有提升的效果。 本研究以立意取樣法選取一個行為偏差之高年級學童,採用深度訪談、觀察法等多種方式蒐集個案資料。研究結果如下: 一、國小個案學童的行為偏差有說謊、偷竊、上課愛說話、不按時交作業、上課不專心、跟同學爭吵、跟師長頂嘴。 二、個案家長對國小個案學童教養教養方式多採取「寬鬆放任」的方式。 三、個案家長與國小個案學童間少有互動。 四、國小學童之家庭教養方式與其行為偏差間之關係,當個案學童發生行為偏差時,個案家長較少以控制或懲罰方式,且缺乏指導,因此個案學童之行為偏差顯著。 五、依據本研究結果,提供家長在教養子女上及學校教師在輔導學生及未來研究方向提供具體建議。


A number of studies pointed out that there are remarkable relationships between family parenting style and behavior deviation. To understand the relationship among family parenting style and behavior deviation of a high-grades student from elementary school, case study of qualitative research was adopted through the long-term participant observation and interviews with parents and teachers. During the 134 observation records of behavior, behavior deviation occurrences were 264 times. Between the observation records of behavior deviation,deviant behavior in lying, stealing, talkative in class, no homework on time, do not concentrate in class, quarrel with the students, and talk back to teachers occurrences were 19 (7.2%), 8 (3.0%), 97 (36.7%), 41 (15.5%), 50 (18.9%), 33 (12.5%), 16 (6.1%) times. Among the deviant behaviors, the occurrences of talkative in class 97 (36.7%) was the highest. During the in-depth interviews with, and teachers, the parenting style of grandma for the student was mostly spoiled, scold, and powerless. Low-grade teacher, middle-grade teacher and English teacher considered the behavior deviation occurrences of the student were very frequent and serious. In the latter period of the study, the homeroom teacher obtained the trust of the parents, the change of student's deviant behavior was also improved. The study adopts the purposive sampling method to select a high-grades student who has deviant behavior as the sample, and collects data of the case by way of multiple approaches including interview and observation,. The findings of this study are as follows: 1. The behavior deviations of a high-grades student from elementary school were lying, stealing, talkative in class, no homework on time, do not concentrate in class, quarrel with the students, talk back to teachers. 2. The parenting style adopted by the parents is majorly the approach of “leniency”and “ignore”. 3. There is less intimate contact between the parents and the child. 4. The relationship among family parenting style and behavior deviation of a high-grades student from elementary school: When the behavior deviation of the student occurs,the parents treat the children with less control and punishment,and without guidance. The behavior deviation of the student is notable. 5. Based on the results of the study, the author proposes concrete suggestions for parenting style of the parents, teaching aids of the teachers, as well as future research.


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