  • 學位論文


A Study on industrial policies in Kazakhstan(1991∼2011)

指導教授 : 徐慧芳


哈薩克斯坦地大物博、地理位置獨特,文化多樣、民族關係複雜、擁有豐富的自然資源及雄厚的工業基礎,是一個經濟發展極具潛力的國家。 一九九一年十二月脫離前蘇聯獨立後,於經濟及結構上的改革已獲相當大的進展,總體經濟及社會亦趨於穩定,但經濟及產業轉型仍持續進行。因此,近年來哈政府致力以經濟社會發展為基礎,推動各項產業政策,規劃未來發展戰略主軸。其主要內容以改善國內投資環境,推展資訊産業現代化,加強人力資源培育,調整以農業為出口導向之結構轉型,力行行政改革以提升國家行政效率,積極參與國際經貿組織外,並與各國簽訂多項經貿合作協定,藉此吸納大量外資挹注國家經濟建設,以創造哈薩克斯坦經濟發展之有利條件。憑藉此雄厚的經濟實力使其在中亞地區急劇變化的地緣政治經濟格局中發揮更大的作用。 關鍵詞:哈薩克斯坦、前蘇聯、總體經濟、產業政策、地緣政治。


With vast territory, unique geographical position, cultural diversity, complexity of ethnic relations, resource-rich, and strong industrial, Kazakhstan has great potential in economic development. Since independence from the former Soviet Union in December 1991, Kazakhstan has progressed considerably in economic and structural reforms. Its macroeconomics and society are becoming stable but the economic and industrial restructuring is still ongoing. Therefore, the Kazakh government base on the economic and social development to implement the industrial policy and plan the future development strategy. The main contents are to improve the domestic investment environment, promote the modernization of the IT industry, strengthen the human resources training, adjust the structure of export-oriented agriculture, exercise administrative reforms to improve the state administrative efficiency, and sign a number of economic-trade-cooperation agreements with other countries to recruit a large number of investment on domestic economic construction to create favorable conditions for economic development of Kazakhstan. Kazakhstan will depend on its strong economic strength to play a greater role in Central Asia under the rapidly changing geo-political and economic landscape. Keywords: Kazakhstan、Former Soviet Union、Macroeconomic、Central Asia、Geopolitical.


一、 中文專書
(1) A.H.丹尼等主編,芮傳明譯,《中亞文明史第一卷:文明的署光-遠古時
代至公元前700 年》,(北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,2000年)。
(2) A.M.普羅霍羅夫等編,趙洵等譯,《蘇聯百科詞典》,(北京:中國大百科
