  • 學位論文


Study of the Effectiveness of the Oral Care for Elementary School Students by the Time Sequence Analysis Method-A Case Study of an Elementary School in Taipei City

指導教授 : 王啟秀
共同指導教授 : 羅行文(Hsing-Wen Lo)


口腔保健向來都是學童重要的保健議題。而這個議題,隨著時代的演進而越來越重要。我國從96年起開始從乳牙長牙至未滿五歲的牙齒塗氟,並於102年6月擴展到未滿六歲,每半年一次牙齒塗氟服務,並新增未滿12歲之弱勢兒童每3個月塗氟一次。校園內也開始了飯後潔牙活動,用餐後撥放潔牙歌,讓孩童固定時間潔牙,做好牙齒保健,目的為減低孩童齲齒。 本研究旨在探討國小學童口腔保健之成效,俾利在各方多種口腔教育政策推動下之參考。實證資料時間自2012-2020年臺北市某國小所提供之統計資料,資料分析方法則利用橫斷面分析與縱斷面分析,分析學生對於現階段潔牙活動的成效。目的為藉由此研究探討學生在塗氟、窩溝封填、飯後潔牙及使用含氟漱口水,幾項護齒政策後,學童口腔齲齒率降低是否具有顯著成效,並探究其中的成效。


時間序列 口腔 齲齒


Oral care has always been taken as an important issue for pupils. As time goes by, this issue is taken more seriously. Since 2007, the government started to provide a series of dental fluoride application for children under 5 years old. In Jun 2013, the service has expended to children age under 6 years old, and they can have the free tooth fluoride every 6 months. Moreover, the disadvantaged pupils who is under 12 years old can have free tooth fluoride every 3 months. To reduce the decayed teeth rate among pupils and help pupils to have good oral care habits, the elementary schools play a teeth brushing song after pupils’ lunch time, and the song leads pupils to brush their teeth step by step. This paper aims to evaluate the effectiveness of the oral care educational policies for pupils so as to help the government to promote future oral care educational policies. This paper adopted 2012~2020 panel data from an elementary school in Taipei City. The data analysis methods applied both cross-sectional analysis and longitudinal analysis. By investigating several oral care educational policies such as teeth fluoride, pit and fissure sealant, brushing teeth after lunch and using the mouthwash in the campus, the purpose of the research was to discover if these policies carry out significant achievement on reducing the decayed tooth rate in pupils.


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(5) 林雯君,「高雄縣國小學童的口腔衛生習慣和家長的口腔保健行為與學童齲齒狀況城鄉差異之探討」,高雄醫學大學,碩士論文,民國九十五年。
