  • 學位論文


The Transformation of Taiwan Textile Industry

指導教授 : 陳文郎
共同指導教授 : 賴勇成


台灣的紡織業在1945年經濟重建時期起,即扮演著引領國家經濟發展的火車頭角色。自1961年起,台灣紡織品開始外銷,直至2001年,幾乎年年拿下產業創匯第一的寶座。近年來,在生產成本陡增、紡織產業大舉外移、加入WTO、紡織配額取消、區域經濟貿易與全球景氣巨幅波動的多重影響下,台灣紡織業面臨的全球化競爭更加嚴峻,榮景似乎不再,甚而被歸類為夕陽產業。然歷經一甲子的精煉,建構出堅實可信的上中下游完整產業鏈,今日紡織業的產銷規模仍不容小覷。相較於政府重點扶植的面板、DRAM廠之虧損,2011年台灣紡織產業的出口額達127億美元,是自2001年來的新高,紡織業的默默耕耘為產業出口導向的台灣賺進可觀的外匯。展望未來,如何持續提升紡織業的核心競爭優勢,能否順勢轉型並成為台灣經濟發展中穩定的產業,是值得探討的課題。   本文旨在探究台灣紡織業當前的總體競爭力、面臨的困境與產業轉型的可行模式以持續強化競爭優勢。本研究主要以波特鑽石理論模型為論述基礎,輔以蒐集的相關文獻與產官學界發布之次級資料,採取文獻分析、歸納綜合等研究方法,了解紡織產業結構與行為面向,並探求紡織產業轉型之道。   本文認為,台灣紡織業當正視全球經濟新興市場往中、低緯度移動,探得文化差異,求取市場經營先機。而人口結構趨向倒三角,戶外休閒運動風盛行,揮之不去的極端氣候與先進國家對紡織品的嚴苛要求等,均是回應市場需求能力佳的台灣紡織業之絕佳機會。除此之外,弭平人才斷層,著眼於創新研發、製程環保永續、製造服務化、求取差異化且質優的高附加價值產品並提高產業用紡織品比例均為當下要務。最終藉由建構e化的雲端知識平台,極大化產業價值鏈的品牌行銷,引領品牌文化,握擁顧客忠誠度,將能再創紡織業的新藍海。


The textile industry has played a major leading role in the beginning of Taiwan’s economy since 1945. The textile industry started exporting products in 1961. It was Taiwan’s number one industry that brought in the most foreign exchange earnings for Taiwan up until 2001.   The industry has faced severe global competition and is no longer as prosperous as it once was which has resulted in what many considered a dwindling industry. There were several reasons for its decline: it was due to the high cost of production which forced a tremendous amount of the textile industry to move overseas, it became member of WTO which overrode previous protection for the industry, it established free economic zones trading, and it experienced a fluctuating global economy.   For the past 60 years it was considered a sinking industry but currently it has been revived because the entire supply chain of the textile industry has bound together to help support it. The industry is still growing and is getting stronger when compared to the government which is mainly focusing on other economic sectors and dealing with the decline of its DRAM. The textile industry total export trade reached US $127 billion in 2011 which has not reached this peak since 2001. When it comes to its export trade, the textile industry is becoming a major source of Taiwan’s increasing economic growth. The prospect of Taiwan's economic future relies on the textile industry to increase and refocus on past competition pre-dominance so it can once again become a stable force in Taiwan’s economic development. It is worthy to probe in to.   The thesis is mainly probing into the competitive strength of the current textile industry, the difficulties they face, a feasible plan that will transform and sustain its competitive advantage. This research is based on the Porter Diamond Theory and collected related data, documentation, and secondary information provided from the production industry, schools, and government. It adopts document analysis, inductive inference, etc. to understand how the textile industry structure and behavior aspect helps create and develop a process to transform the industry.   I think Taiwan’s textile industry is slowly resurfacing, and knowing cultural differences to better understand and grab a hold of available marketing management opportunities. The upside down triangle of population demographics, the popularity of outdoor recreation, extreme climate changes, and advanced developed countries vigorous demands for textile products are other opportunities that will help improve Taiwan’s textile industry ability to respond to an increasing market demands for its products. In addition, companies need to cultivate and develop an internal structure that focuses on creativity, development and innovation. They also have to implement a continuous recycle process production, improve production services, and develop lucrative products that add value, are vital, and are a matter of immediate urgency.   In conclusion, in order to open a new world of textile industry, textile companies need to develop and construct platforms that focus knowledge exclusively on product, tremendous brand name value, brand name chain market, and lead main brand name culture. That way companies will attract and maintain loyal customers.


(1) 李信宏,「適合陸商來台投資產業建議--紡織業」,紡織產業綜合研究所,民國九十九年。
(2) 汪威錞,「紡織品自由貿易新紀元」,經濟前瞻,43~47頁,民國九十四年三月。
(3) 呂國禎,「鐵皮屋下的奇兵」,商業周刊,第一二六七期,90~100頁,民國一○一年三月。
(4) 吳曉慧,「區域整合下我國紡織業生存之道」,台灣經濟研究月刊,第三十卷第十二期,35~40頁,民國九十六年十二月。
(5) 林妤真,「紡織業全球運籌管理策略之研究」,台南科大學報,第二十六期,275~296頁,民國九十六年九月。



