  • 學位論文


Satisfaction Analysis on Elementary School Lunch Programs - An Example of Elementary Schools in Taoyuan County

指導教授 : 黃俊穎


本研究旨在探討外訂餐盒國民小學目前午餐管理實施現況及高年級學生對午餐管理的滿意度,並提出外訂餐盒國民小學辦理午餐管理方式的建議。 本研究採問卷調查法,以桃園縣之外訂餐盒國民小學學校為母群體,採分層隨機抽樣方式,所有問卷寄出共計504份,回收問卷共計483份,回收率達95.83%。所得資料利用SPSS18.0 for Windows統計套裝軟體以t檢定、單因子變異數分析及Scheffe’法事後比較、次數分配與百分比等統計方法進行資料分析,瞭解外訂餐盒國小午餐管理滿意度及實施之改進建議。根據資料分析結果,本研究主要獲致以下結論: 一、外訂餐盒國民小學高年級學生對學校的午餐管理普遍覺得滿意。 二、高年級學生會因以下午餐管理變項不同,對其變項滿意度有顯著差異。管理變項包括:「繳費方式」、「訂餐日數」、「用餐天數」、「午餐價格」、「水果次數」、「牛奶次數」、「廠商數量」、「反應問題方式」、「罰則廠商方式」、「營養知識教育推行方式」、「多元飲食」、「用餐衛生教育推行方式」、「用餐環境安排方式」。 三、高年級學生不會因以下午餐管理變項不同,對其變項滿意度有所差異。管理變項包括:「午餐網頁管理人」、「放置餐盒地點」、「菜數」、「蔬菜日推行次數」、「洗手潔牙教育承辦人」。 四、高年級學生對午餐管理滿意度,會因午餐祕書擔任時間、午餐祕書兼任職位的不同而有差異。 依據上述研究結論歸納整理提出建議,以提供教育行政主管機關、學校行政相關人員、學校午餐承辦人員、學校午餐團膳業者,及未來相關研究之參考。


國民小學 午餐 滿意度


The main aim of this study was to investigate the student satisfaction towards school lunch programs, for Grade 5 and 6 students and school staff, in elementary schools. The data collection was achieved mainly via questionnaires. It took public elementary schools in Taoyuan County, which have school lunch programs, as the population. In addition, Stratified Random Sampling approach was used when sending out the questionnaires. 504 copies of questionnaire were sent out. 483 copies were returned, which led to a retrieval ratios of 98.83%. Furthermore, this study used the statistical software SPSS12.0 for Windows and statistical methods, such as t-Test, One-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s Post hoc Comparison, frequency distribution and percentage to carry out the data analysis for the acquired data. Thus, according to data analysis, the results and finding were as follows: 1. Grade 5 and 6 students and school staff of elementary schools were generally satisfied at the school-provided lunch management. 2. Grade 5 and 6 students’ satisfaction at the school lunch management will be Significant for: “methods of payment”, “frequency of meals”, “ frequency of access”, “lunch price”, “ frequency of fruits”, “frequency of milk”, “lunchbox providers”, “complaint mechanism”, “problem management”, “nutrition education”, “food nationality origin”, “hygiene education”, “eating environment”. 3. Grade 5 and 6 student satisfaction at the school lunch management will not be significant for: “online menu manager’, “leftover management”, “food dishes”, “frequency of vegetable education”, “hygiene educator”. 4. Grade 5 and 6 student satisfaction at the school lunch management will be significant for “ duration of school lunch secretary position”, “other position occupied by school lunch secretary”. Therefore, according to the aforementioned results and findings. This study proposes some recommendations for education administrative authorities, related school administrative personnel, undertakers of the school lunch programs, suppliers of school lunches, and related follow-up researchers.


Elementary Schools School Lunch Satisfaction


〔3〕朱立倫 等, 桃園縣午餐工作手冊, 桃園縣政府 ,桃園縣,民國九十六年。
