  • 學位論文


A Study on the Relationships between Business Development Stages, Dynamic Capabilities and Innovation Business Model

指導教授 : 吳克


經營模式是企業進行活動的表現方式,一個成功的企業必定是有適合自己的經營模式在運作,而企業在面對快速變動的環境時,經營模式也必須有所創新,以回應環境的衝擊及保持競爭優勢。因此我們對於思考如何建立一個新的事業模式不能如同以往一樣只針對個別的主題來思考,而應該以整體企業的運作流程為思考方向。透過思考經營模式對了解現代的企業是相當有幫助的,同時經營模式的重要性也日益的提高。 本研究採用個案研究法,以中國青年創業協會之國內創業楷模得獎者為研究對象,想藉由瞭解三家個案公司成功的創業過程,它在國際化的過程如何自創品牌及佈建行銷通路、創新研發關鍵技術、提高產品附加價值,進而分析個案公司之核心能力、潛在競爭優勢,以及組織在每個發展階段所需具備的能力。 研究結果發現: 1.在企業競爭日趨激烈之下,其生存發展的條件,除了應具備核心技能條件(如研發能力、專利技術)與降低經營成本外,其次就是依賴經營與行銷的創新了(尤其是服務業),以塑建獨特的形象,並與競爭對手明顯區隔。 2.由個案的動態能力分析可發現,在實務上企業在面臨快速環境變化之時,企業隨時會藉由自我醞育催化及外部因素刺激而浮現的動態能力做為即時回應、動態調整,並且藉由企業轉型掌控短期經營優勢,進而取得長期競爭條件。 3.由個案公司研究証實公司能力需與經營模式創新共演化(co-evolution),在每一個不同階段都需要不同能力的支持,才能達到經營模式創新的目標,本研究將經營模式創新與動態能力結合起來,可以更週延地解釋公司演化的過程。 4.不論是哪一種產業,其經營或服務創新的目的無非是為了塑造差異、擴張市場、提高行政效率與節省經營成本,或是提供客戶最優質貼心快速的服務,其出發點都是以顧客為導向,讓客戶享受最有價值的服務內涵。


The business model is the way to carry on the enterprise performance, a successful enterprise has its own business model, but when the enterprise faces the fast changing environment, the business model also must have innovation, to responds the impact environment and the maintenance competitive advantage. Therefore, we regarding pondered how to build up a new business model, which can’t assimilar as formerly equally only aims at the individual subject ponder, but should ponder by overall enterprise's operation process. The penetration pondered the business model not only quite helpful to understand the solution modern enterprise, but also simultaneously business model important gradually enhancement. This research uses the case methodology, take winners of the China Youth Career Development Association as the object, and want to know how it does construct in the internationalization process homemade brand and the cloth sells the circuit; the innovation research and development key technologies; enhances the product attachment value, then analysis its core of ability; the potential competition superiority; the organization ability which must have in each growth stage. This research finds that, 1. The enterprise survival development condition, not only the core skill requirement (for example research and development ability, patent technology) and reduces cost, but also the innovation which the dependence management and selling, sculpted the unique appearance, and separated with the competitor obvious area. 2. This research analyzes dynamic ability and find out when the enterprise faces the fast environmental variation in the practice, the enterprise can engender the dynamic ability as necessary which the catalysis and exterior factor stimulation reappears to do for the immediate response; the dynamic alignment; and control short-term management when the enterprise reforming superiority, then obtains the long-term competition condition. 3. This case confirmed company ability must co-evolution with the business model innovation, in each different stage, they all needs the different ability support, to be able to achieve the business model innovation. This research will combine the business model innovation and the dynamic ability, which can explain the company evolving process. 4. No matter which industry is, its management or the service innovation not only for mold the difference; expands the market; enhances the administrative efficiency with to save the cost of operation, but also perhaps provides the customer highest quality intimate in fast service. It’s all for take the customer as the guidance, and let the customer enjoy the most valuable service connotation.


一、 中文文獻
